
DTMF Goertzel Algorithm Not Working

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-02-10 07:14:43
问题 So I am opening a .raw file of a DTMF tone I generated in audacity. I grabbed a canned goertzel algorithm similar to the one on the wikipedia article. It doesn't seem to decode the correct numbers though. The decoded number also changes depending on what value of N I pass to the algorithm. As far as I understood a higher value of N gives it better accuracy but should not change what number would get decoded correct? Here is the code, #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h>

DTMF detection from a wav file

孤人 提交于 2021-01-28 05:40:39
问题 I'm an engineering student and I have to solve an academic problem regarding signal processing. Basically, given an DTMF signal in wav format, I have to identify the number sequence it has encoded. I must do so using discrete fourier transform analysis in Matlab environment, to build a script that reads the wav file and through the process identifies the numbers in the dial tone. I'm having trouble in the sense that I'm not really confortable with the Matlab environment and the whole discrete

Can I send digits to an incoming twilio call with twiml?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-06-24 12:27:05
问题 I have a twilio number that can process incoming calls with twiml. These incoming calls expect the recipient to press some digits after the call is connected. If I were making an outgoing call, I could use the sendDigits attribute of a <Dial> tag. However, I can't figure out how to do this in response to an incoming call. If I were receiving the call in a web client, I could use connection.sendDigits Is there a way to do this in just twiml? Should I just play a recording file of various DTMF

How to detect DTMF tones in Twilio's android sdk

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-02-07 02:36:14
问题 I am using Twilio Voice SDK on android to initiate a call to a normal phone number. I need to be able to detect from within the app that initiated the call that the person on the phone pressed one of the keypad keys. I cannot find a counterpart in the Voice SDK to call.sendDigits() for detecting DTMF tones. I have tried a couple of approaches and am thinking of a third: The most obvious approach was to find an api call for registering a listener to DTMF or a listener to Digits but I cannot


让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-01-21 15:45:37
SDP包 其中的Connection Information 后面的192.168.11.105 就是RTP的IP地址 audio 后面的5100 就是RTP 的端口。 RTP/AVP 后面的0 8 101 表示支持的编码 0 表示G.711 Ulaw, 8表示G.711的Alaw,101 是表示 支持电话按键事件 后面的很多Media Attribute 是对媒体属性的具体描述。 总结一下:SDP 的核心有几个: A.说明媒体的来源IP地址 B.说明媒体的来源的端口port C.说明自己有哪些媒体能力(能说几个语言) D.包括对dtmf 按键的是否支持是说明。 一旦两个软电话要对话,就要对比交换上面这些信息。比如FreeSwitch默认要求rfc2833模式的 DTMF按键(上面抓包里面的rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000),但是假如软电话上没有设置rfc2833的 DTMF,那么SDP就没有101,协商就不会成功,从而导致通话无法建立。 编码占用带宽 VOIP的数据包包括SIP 数据包和RTP 数据包,SIP只是传输控制命令,跟RTP的语音媒体数据包比较 起来简直就是九牛一毛,完全可以忽略不计。 下面仅仅计算RTP的数据包 RTP的数据包=以太网地址+IP类型+IP包头+UDP包头+RTP包头+语音编码之后的负载 以太网地址12字节 IP类型2字节

Splitting a DTMF signal from a wav file using Matlab

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-21 09:53:47
问题 Here is the context of the problem: I have a DTMF signal in wav format, I have to identify the number sequence it has encoded. I must do so using fast fourier transform in Matlab, implying that I read the wav file using wavread and to identify each number that is seperated by 40ms silence or more. Here is my code so far: [signal, fs] = wavread( 'C:\Temp\file.wav' ); % here, fs = 8000Hz N = 512; T = 1/fs; L = length( signal ) samples = fs / 1000 * 40 windows = floor(L / samples) t = (1:L)/fs;

Change Call Screen

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-24 10:17:04
问题 I need to change or customize the call screen when initiating a call on Android. After searching on google I do not find any way to do it. There is no way to send DTMF tones during a call, the idea is to send a specific number to the call screen. So when a call is made is possible to see the number to dial during a call to the PBX. I tried to putting the number in the "status bar", but the notification hide after seconds and it is not practical. 回答1: It could be possible to show a toast

Twilio - Outgoing call - play DTMF tones

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-18 06:08:12
问题 In my Twilio-base application I create outgoing call via Twilio rest API. When target side responds, I put him to recently created conference. Question is: how can I play certain set of DTMF tones before putting him to conference? The responding side is a certain system which accepts DTMF tones, and I need to play some set of digits. I have read the docs but I did not find way to do this. Is it possible? 回答1: Twilio evangelist here. There are two different ways to do this depending on your

Android DTMF send tone overriding

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-18 03:03:30
问题 I tried to programmatically send DTMF tones in Android. But the emulator shows up a dialog box that says "Do you want to send these tones?" and it sends the tones only if I click OK. But how can I programmatically overcome this dialog box? Gracias 回答1: In my application, I am sending DTMF tones (with gap using ","). Please see the code below. If you put number as: 12345,6,7 it will dial 12345 and send 6 and 7 as dtmf tone with gap. String url = "tel:" + number; Intent intent = new Intent

How to gather Twilio DTMF input from call recipient on outbound call

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-13 03:34:11
问题 We're developing a Twilio programmable voice app that can select from a list of persons, and place an outbound call to their regular telephone number. Once the call is connected, we want to be able to speak to the party and then gather dtmf input from the call recipient in order to trigger some specific TwiML code based on the dtmf code entered. Twilio programmable voice docs don't specify how to gather dtmf input from a call recipient on an outbound call, but I would like to think this is in