
Region ram overflowed and section .text will not fit region ram

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-12-31 06:24:52
问题 I'm trying to compile a bare-metal app with GCC compilator (Standart C). I use Cyclone V SoC with Cortex-A9 processor. Eclipse DS-5 . I get an errors - "Region ram overflowed by 295376 bytes" and "section .text will not fit region ram" . I think that the problem isn't in linker script but in something else. I see messages that compiler tries to add all my .c files in project into one .axf file even if I include none of them in my main .c file (where I write the program) When I delete some

Region ram overflowed and section .text will not fit region ram

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-12-31 06:24:23
问题 I'm trying to compile a bare-metal app with GCC compilator (Standart C). I use Cyclone V SoC with Cortex-A9 processor. Eclipse DS-5 . I get an errors - "Region ram overflowed by 295376 bytes" and "section .text will not fit region ram" . I think that the problem isn't in linker script but in something else. I see messages that compiler tries to add all my .c files in project into one .axf file even if I include none of them in my main .c file (where I write the program) When I delete some


社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-04-06 15:54:46
本文欢迎转载,转载请注明出处和作者。 存储虚拟化的概念也是一个发展的过程。 在实现了计算虚拟化与网络虚拟化的时期,存储其实还未完成彻底的虚拟化,但是由于计算与网络都已经被叫上虚拟化了,所以存储也不得不借虚拟化的概念热炒一波。 因此在当时,以IBM SVC为首的一批名为虚拟化存储网关(如EMC VPLEX、华为Oceanstor VIS 6000)的设备,承担了存储虚拟化的名头。 01-存储虚拟化网关 如前面文章所说,存储这东西非常讨厌,不像x86服务器,资源不够了,可以直接scaleout扩容,只要往计算的资源池里面加入新的x86服务器,然后做负载均衡/集群等方式,就可以把它们整合起来了。 而磁盘阵列的扩容受以下几个因素限制: 1、同品牌限制: 例如你的IBM DS5300磁盘阵列空间不够了,但是你的华为OceanStor 5300V3还有很多空余的磁盘空间/磁盘扩展柜,不好意思,你是不能将华为OceanStor 5300V3的磁盘空间/磁盘扩展柜加入到DS5300给它进行扩容的。因此一旦你选定买了一个品牌的存储,通常只能被品牌绑定,一直扩容购买该品牌的设备了。 2、同品牌不同系列限制: 例如IBM的DS系列(DS5000)与V系列(V7000),由于后者是收购回来的,所以管理平台与某些技术都不一样,无法统一使用。 3、控制器的性能 每款磁盘阵列都会有控制器,而控制器的性能

DS-5 : What is FVP, RTSM, Foundation Model, AEM model, Fast Model, CADI?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-23 11:58:17
问题 DS-5 simulator uses a lot of terms like FVP, RTSM, Fast Models, Foundation Model, AEM Model, CADI. The explanation provided in Arm's documentation is not very clear. What do these terms mean and which ones should I care about as an end user of DS-5? 回答1: Model An industry term for software simulation In Arm's case, it is used interchangeably to either mean a component model (like a processor model) or an entire system/platform (like a VE FVP) Fast Model Software simulation of an individual

Behavior of DS-5 on an unsupported OS

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-12 02:53:12
问题 I am able to install DS-5 on an OS (for example Windows 10) that is not officially supported. What is the behavior of DS-5 on such an OS? Will it work partially, for example? 回答1: DS-5 is a suite of tools, including Eclipse IDE, compilers (ARM compiler 5, ARM compiler 6, gcc), DS-5 debugger, Streamline performance analysis tool. Though an OS may not be listed as supported, individual tools may be supported. A good example is Mac OS, where Streamline and Eclipse IDE is supported while other

cmake cross-compile with specific linker doesn't pass arguments to armlink

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 03:03:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 由 翻译 强力驱动 问题: I am trying to cross-compile a project for embedded ARM Cortex builds but unable to get the linker working. I want to use armlink but no files are passed to armlink and hence no .elf file is produced. My CMakeLists.txt is pretty simple and given below. The failure is shown after that which shows that armlink was invoked by the makefile without any arguments. Any pointers will help - I searched and read many posts but they all seem to have more involved requirements. cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 2.8 ) project ( test_arm ) enable


微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-01 02:43:47
Adding New Compiler Toolchains to DS-5 In this tutorial, you will learn how to add new compiler toolchains (Arm Compiler 5, Arm Compiler 6 and GCC) to DS-5 and configure them for your project easily. Introduction From Arm DS-5 Development Studio v5.20, you can add new compiler toolchains (Arm Compiler 5, Arm Compiler 6 and GCC) and configure them for your project more easily. Different versions of the same toolchain will keep their flags when you switch between them and projects can be shared between you and your colleagues without re-configuring the path. Note: If you are installing Arm

How to exclude files from Eclipse indexing (Static Code Analysis)?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-11-30 14:52:41
问题 I have a makefile project comprised of many source, header and other files, which I am trying to convert to an Eclipse "native" project. The problem that the Indexer reports errors and warning on files that exist in the directories but are excluded form the build. As a consequence, large parts of my directory tree are marked with the red x sign. How can I make the Indexer to ignore specific file and/or directories? Note: when defining a directory as "Derived" it is excluded form further

How to exclude files from Eclipse indexing (Static Code Analysis)?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-11-30 12:29:43
I have a makefile project comprised of many source, header and other files, which I am trying to convert to an Eclipse "native" project. The problem that the Indexer reports errors and warning on files that exist in the directories but are excluded form the build. As a consequence, large parts of my directory tree are marked with the red x sign. How can I make the Indexer to ignore specific file and/or directories? Note: when defining a directory as "Derived" it is excluded form further searches, but unfortunately not from code analysis. Using project Resource Filters does not solve the