
Is there a way to Clone one or many Entities (records) in Code

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-11 13:12:36
问题 NOTE: at this time I am stuck on 2sxc v9.43.2 on this project. After selecting a set of records from my Content Type, I need to be able to duplicate them changing 1 of the fields along the way. Here is my almost-working idea so far. The use case is simple, they have Programs that people can register for. They change each Season, but only a little (prices, dates/times, etc). And they need the Current Season live and unchanged while they edit the Next Season. So we are still in the fall season

Is there a way to Clone one or many Entities (records) in Code

五迷三道 提交于 2021-02-11 13:12:06
问题 NOTE: at this time I am stuck on 2sxc v9.43.2 on this project. After selecting a set of records from my Content Type, I need to be able to duplicate them changing 1 of the fields along the way. Here is my almost-working idea so far. The use case is simple, they have Programs that people can register for. They change each Season, but only a little (prices, dates/times, etc). And they need the Current Season live and unchanged while they edit the Next Season. So we are still in the fall season

Custom module with possibility to add modules into module to create an expander module in DNN 9.2

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-10 06:27:53
问题 ​I'm using DNN 9.2 and searching for a possibility to create an own module that will work like the Atlassian Confluence's Expander Macro where I could add additional content. In my case I want to add other modules, which will be visible if the parent is expanded and hidden if the parent is collapsed. I thought about to use a Pane control in my module to place several other modules into it. It is an approach that imitates the Evoq's Grid module functionality, but with the additional

How can I add a value to Fields of Type Entity when using App.Data.Create()

最后都变了- 提交于 2021-01-29 06:06:10
问题 When I am in external code and trying to add an entry to an existing Content Type, how can add one or more values to a field of type Entity? So lets use the FAQ v3 app as an example, here is the code with the add Categories line commented out: int appId = 4; // FAQ3 for me var appX = ToSic.Sxc.Dnn.Factory.App(appId); var fields = new Dictionary<string, object>(); fields.Add("InternalTitle", askQ.Name + ", " + askQ.Email); fields.Add("Question", askQ.Question); // fields.Add("Categories", "");

How to force two instance of the same app (DNN/2sxc) to read from the same stream?

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-01-29 05:55:33
问题 Sorry if my question is silly but I'm new to DNN/2sxc, I've spent the whole day trying to figure this with no success.. I have two instances of the same app, one in the home page and the other on its own page, each one must have its own view template (I use Razor). My problem is I cannot figure a way to make the two apps read the same data, so every add/edit/remove/re-sort in one of them will be reflected to the other, currently each app has its own data and therefore they are unusable in my

How to force two instance of the same app (DNN/2sxc) to read from the same stream?

走远了吗. 提交于 2021-01-29 05:54:17
问题 Sorry if my question is silly but I'm new to DNN/2sxc, I've spent the whole day trying to figure this with no success.. I have two instances of the same app, one in the home page and the other on its own page, each one must have its own view template (I use Razor). My problem is I cannot figure a way to make the two apps read the same data, so every add/edit/remove/re-sort in one of them will be reflected to the other, currently each app has its own data and therefore they are unusable in my


最后都变了- 提交于 2020-11-21 10:26:56
在设计、划分软件组件时,需要平衡组件复用、组件发布、组件维护更新等多方面因素,最终得结果是各个方面平衡得结果,可能从某一方面看并不完美。 在Bob大叔的《架构整洁之道》中给出了与构建组件相关的基本原则: REP:复用/发布等同原则 CCP:共同闭包原则 CRP:共同复用原则 在实际决策中,往往会发现很难同时遵守上面的原则,需要根据具体情况会有取舍;很多的情况是,在设计时只是考虑到其中的某一个方面,或者随着项目的进展,情况发生了变化,需要修改当初的设计。这里举一个DNN(DotNetNuke)模块的开发中,我遇到过的组件设计问题。 我从2004年开始从事DotNetNuke的模块开发(ZLDNN.COM),开发的模块在DNNStore(从前叫做中进行销售。其中,从2006年开始开发的DNNArticle是一个比较成功的产品,在开发后来的新模块产品时,发现DNNArticle中的很多功能模块是可以供这些新产品使用的,为了减少新产品开发的工作量,我把这些公共功能抽提出来,形成一个公共的类库,在开发新产品时供自己和开发合作伙伴使用。最初,这样做的效果很好,提高了新产品的开发效率,很多新模块使用这个公共类库,依赖这个公共类库。这种依赖带来的耦合性,埋下了问题的隐患。公共类库被打包到产品模块的安装包中,在安装时由DNN的安装向导进行安装,为了方便用户

DNN UrlRewrite (“DotNetNuke.HttpModules.UrlRewriteModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules”) does not run custom rewrite rule on web.config

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-05-15 21:35:29
问题 On our DNN site hosted in an Azure app service, we have the following custom rule set on our web.config: <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="Proxy" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="^base3/?(.*)" /> <action type="Rewrite" url="https://(a website hosted in aws s3)/tx/{R:1}" /> <serverVariables> <set name="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" value="" /> <set name="HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_HOST" value="{HTTP_HOST}" /> <set name="HTTP_X_Blog" value="1" /> </serverVariables> </rule> </rules> We have also setup the following

DNN - How can I add CDN (cloud) references for Bootstrap / JQuery files?

a 夏天 提交于 2020-03-25 19:14:07
问题 I have a DotNetNuke (DNN 9.0) website, and I see CSS/JQuery files are referenced as entrees in a *map.XML file, such as below: <item key="7d14598udfghjho0348dfdgvt4644" file="" compression="" version="180"> <files> <file name="/Resources/libraries/jQuery/01_09_01/jquery.js" /> <file name="/Resources/libraries/jQuery-UI/01_11_03/jquery-ui.js" /> </files> </item> I want to have more control on these references, such as being able to reference cloud(CDN) links instead, for example JQuery

Duplicated DNN7 installation and now getting “Domain Name xyz Does Not Exist In The Database”

三世轮回 提交于 2020-03-05 09:32:54
问题 I have a DNN7 installation running on my local machine. This is for development purposes, and I wanted to use IIS instead of Cassini for this. The app is bound to HTTP port 81. All is working well, even though the UsePortNumber appsetting is not turned on. All is well. Now I wanted to clone my setup to do some experiments. Here are the steps I took: Duplicated the website folder. Created a new IIS app pointing to that folder, bound to port 82. Duplicated the DotNetNuke7 database. However,