
Use Godaddy Domain name Instead of Default Elastic BeanStalk URL

寵の児 提交于 2020-04-18 03:51:08
问题 I have a domain name bought on Godaddy. The site is hosted on Squarespace, so I don't want to forward requests from to a site on Elastic Bean Stalk. I have an API hosted on EB and the Squarespace site makes requests to that API. What I need to do is change the default EB URL to I'm pretty much a DNS noob here. I've found articles to forward godaddy domains to EB, but thats not what I

Rails route to model instance - by domain name

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-02-21 05:46:55
问题 I have a Rails 3 application, say, with hotels, where hotels belong to parent areas. When a user hits the app (served by mongrel >> nginx), I want the domain name used in the request to decide what area of hotels to serve up (domain name >> area). To achieve this I can see two options: 1) Rewrite the URL with nginx, inserting the area id after the domain name (e.g. => proxy_pass http://myupstream/areas/3$request_uri). Benefits: Domain to object mapping happens where

Rails route to model instance - by domain name

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-02-21 05:41:08
问题 I have a Rails 3 application, say, with hotels, where hotels belong to parent areas. When a user hits the app (served by mongrel >> nginx), I want the domain name used in the request to decide what area of hotels to serve up (domain name >> area). To achieve this I can see two options: 1) Rewrite the URL with nginx, inserting the area id after the domain name (e.g. => proxy_pass http://myupstream/areas/3$request_uri). Benefits: Domain to object mapping happens where

Prevent Angular from mangling email inputs

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-01-20 08:45:52
问题 If I have an <input type="email"> , and the user enters an Internationalized Domain Name, Angular (EDIT: except it's not Angular's fault - see my answer for details) automatically converts the value to punycode, which is a nice feature, but very confusing for users if the value is displayed back to them. E.g. abc@á becomes It also causes issues when a backend is expecting the original Unicode version of the domain, and the Angular app instead sends the punycode

How to point a DomainName to an Apache Tomcat Server?

梦想与她 提交于 2020-01-15 12:19:07
问题 I have a domain name and I want to point it to a local apache tomcat server that I have installed and started on my machine(static IP) What kind of configuration I need to do with the DNS(at the website of the domain name company) and tomcat configuration files - I assume! PS. I am using Tomcat6 on a linux machine with static IP Many thanks... 回答1: If the local apache server has a routable IP address, then just set up the A record on the domain name DNS server through their web-based

Return root domain from url in R

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-01-14 15:01:19
问题 Given website addresses, e.g. How do I return the root domain in R , e.g. For my purposes I would define the root domain to have structure example_name.public_suffix where example_name excludes "www" and public_suffix is on the list here: Is this still the best regex based solution: What

Return root domain from url in R

寵の児 提交于 2020-01-14 15:01:12
问题 Given website addresses, e.g. How do I return the root domain in R , e.g. For my purposes I would define the root domain to have structure example_name.public_suffix where example_name excludes "www" and public_suffix is on the list here: Is this still the best regex based solution: What

Session is specific to what? Why not treat ip and domain name session as same?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-01-13 02:52:29
问题 I want to know session is specific with what? This is not restrict to one language. Bellow is just use php as an example. I use php session, it works well when I use the my website domain name. To test the website in my local vmvare ubuntu on the windows OS, I change the hosts of my windows to make the DNS to my local ip. When testing local, I use domain name, it also works well. But when I change the url in the browser to Ip, the session is lost. You may confuse why I do this, because I want