
Access Token for Dockerhub

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-07-06 08:15:24
问题 I created a repository on and now want to push my image to the Dockerhub using my credentials. I am wondering whether I have to use my username and password or whether I can create some kind of access token to push the docker image. What I want to do is using the docker-image resource from Concourse to push an image to Dockerhub. Therefore I have to configure credentials like: type: docker-image source: email: {{docker-hub-email}} username: {{docker-hub-username}} password: {

Get labels of remote docker image

Deadly 提交于 2020-06-29 03:40:30
问题 I'm trying to get the labels of an image without pulling it. For example: in docker-hub, on my username ( stavalfi ), in repo: projecty : I want to get all the labels of this image. Following this guide: and this: I tried to reach to: http://$REGISTRY_ADDRESS/v2/$image/blobs/$digest : https:/

Get latest Docker image creation date from registry

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-06-08 12:41:31
问题 How is it possible to get latest creation date of Docker image that exists at registry? Recently we have a problem that Docker image was not automatically pulled at some of our cluster slave servers and the project was running at the very outdated container environment. So am expecting to run a cron-script once per day to check that pulled Docker image is not 24 hours older than registry Docker image. 回答1: The simplest way I know of is to write a simple script that uses the Docker Registry

Aws ecs fargate ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-05-14 19:48:07
问题 I am trying to run a private repository on aws-ecs-fargate-1.4.0 platform. For private repository authentication, I have followed the docs and it was working well. Somehow after updating existing service many times it goes fail to run the task and complain the error like ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth: execution resource retrieval failed: unable to get registry auth from asm: service call has been retried 1 time(s): asm fetching secret from the service

Docker Maven Spotify plugin - Possible to switch to non-secure registry

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-05-13 03:59:30
问题 I'm using the Spotify Maven plugin to automate the building and deploying of docker images when executing certain maven goals. However, I'm running a private unsecured registry that is accessible through the following host: However, I can't seem to stop the plugin from forcing a secure push to the repository? It uses Is there any way to force the plugin to not use https? Thanks. Edit: Current plugin POM configuration: <plugin>

Docker Maven Spotify plugin - Possible to switch to non-secure registry

随声附和 提交于 2020-05-13 03:58:45
问题 I'm using the Spotify Maven plugin to automate the building and deploying of docker images when executing certain maven goals. However, I'm running a private unsecured registry that is accessible through the following host: However, I can't seem to stop the plugin from forcing a secure push to the repository? It uses Is there any way to force the plugin to not use https? Thanks. Edit: Current plugin POM configuration: <plugin>

Docker Maven Spotify plugin - Possible to switch to non-secure registry

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-05-13 03:58:27
问题 I'm using the Spotify Maven plugin to automate the building and deploying of docker images when executing certain maven goals. However, I'm running a private unsecured registry that is accessible through the following host: However, I can't seem to stop the plugin from forcing a secure push to the repository? It uses Is there any way to force the plugin to not use https? Thanks. Edit: Current plugin POM configuration: <plugin>

[Docker] Docker整体架构图

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-05-07 13:29:49 一、Docker的总架构图 docker是一个C/S模式的架构,后端是一个松耦合架构,模块各司其职。 用户是使用Docker Client与Docker Daemon建立通信,并发送请求给后者。 Docker Daemon作为Docker架构中的主体部分,首先提供Server的功能使其可以接受Docker Client的请求; Engine执行Docker内部的一系列工作,每一项工作都是以一个Job的形式的存在。 Job的运行过程中,当需要容器镜像时,则从Docker Registry中下载镜像,并通过镜像管理驱动graphdriver将下载镜像以Graph的形式存储; 当需要为Docker创建网络环境时,通过网络管理驱动networkdriver创建并配置Docker容器网络环境; 当需要限制Docker容器运行资源或执行用户指令等操作时,则通过execdriver来完成。 libcontainer是一项独立的容器管理包,networkdriver以及execdriver都是通过libcontainer来实现具体对容器进行的操作。 二、Docker各模块组件分析 (一)Docker Client[发起请求] Docker Client是和Docker


孤者浪人 提交于 2020-05-01 23:23:12
一、容器镜像仓库之选:企业级容器registry Harbor实践   Harbor使用了基于角色的访问控制策略,当从Harbor中拉去镜像的时候,首先要进行身份认证,认证通过后才可以拉取镜像。在命令行模式下,需要先执行docker login,登陆成功后,才可以docker pull。通常情况下,在私有云环境中使用kubernetes时,我们要从docker registry拉取镜像的时候,都会给docker daemo配置 --insecure-registry 属性来告诉docker daemo我们所使用的docker registry是可信的,这样才能从私有的docker registry中拉取镜像,但是如果要使用Harbor作为kubernetes的镜像仓库的话,这种方式就不适用了,下面让我们看看如何来使用Harbor作为kubernetes的镜像仓库。     docker开源仓库Harbor部署:     容器镜像仓库之选:企业级容器registry Harbor实践:   Docker Registry企业级私有镜像仓库Harbor管理WEB UI:

docker 中运行的 jenkins 使用 npm 构建 Node.js 应用

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-04-30 17:31:01
一、jenkins 的安装 配置要求 最小 256MB 内存,推荐 512MB 以上 10GB硬盘空间,用于安装 Jenkins、Docker 镜像和容器 在 Docker 中运行 Jenkins 我们在服务器上面为 jenkins 准备数据目录,假设为 /home/data/www/ ,前提是我们已经在服务器上面安装好了 docker。 docker run \ --name jenkins \ -u root \ -d \ -p 8080:8080 \ -p 50000:50000 \ -e TZ="Asia/Shanghai" \ -v /home/data/www/ \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --restart=on-failure:10 \ jenkinsci/blueocean 配置 jenkins 使用浏览器打开服务器的 8080 端口,并等待 Unlock Jenkins 页面出现。 可以使用如下命令获取管理员的密码: docker logs jenkins 关于插件的安装我这里也不介绍了,有什么不懂的可以微信联系我。 二、配置 pipeline 2.1、配置源 我们从 github