

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-10 01:49:22
1、阿里云服务器装Docker-基于Ubuntu14.04 不要直接sudo apt-get install docker,因为容器docker根本就不是这个。 如果已经中招了,使用apt-get remove docker删除,否则后患无穷。 以前的很多教程都是安装Docker.IO的,但原来的版本已经过时了,需要彻底清除,否则也会招来一大堆问题。 清除办法: sudo apt-get remove find / -name "**" 然后将列出的文件全部删除, rm xxx。 这里是安装的正常步骤,经验证可行: apt-get update apt-get install apt-transport-https apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9 bash -c "echo deb docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list" apt-get update apt-get install lxc-docker 2

Kubernetes 1.3.4版本之kubelet改动

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-07 17:23:03
kubernetes 1.3.4版本之kubelet启动报错: I0805 11:10:26.517174 2057 kubelet.go:2479] skipping pod synchronization - [container runtime is down] E0805 11:10:26.567819 2057 kubelet.go:2837] Container runtime sanity check failed: container runtime version is older than 1.21 之前升级 kubernetes 1.2版本也遇到,详见: 看了下docker的版本是1.8.2的,api是1.20的,之前kubernetes 1.2.0是没有问题的 [root @localhost ~]# docker version Client: Version: 1.8.2-el7.centos API version: 1.20 Package Version: docker-1.8.2-10.el7.centos.x86_64 Go version: go1.4.2 Git commit: a01dc02/1.8.2 Built: OS/Arch: linux

How to link docker images to their composing layers on the disk?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-04 19:23:09
Since Docker v1.10, with the introduction of the content addressable storage, Docker has completely changed the way image data are handled on the disk. I understand that now layers and images are separated. Layers merely become collections of files and directories that have no notion of images and can be freely shared across images. See the update and a blog with better explanation. During docker push and docker pull , via stdout it can be seen the layers are transported, though the resulting SHA hashes are completely regenerated on the destination. With a locally built image from ubuntu:14.04

How to share volumes across multiple hosts in docker engine swarm mode?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-03 16:30:17
问题 Can we share a common/single named volume across multiple hosts in docker engine swarm mode, what's the easiest way to do it ? 回答1: If you have an NFS server setup you can use use some nfs folder as a volume from docker compose like this: volumes: grafana: driver: local driver_opts: type: nfs o:,rw device: ":/PathOnServer" 回答2: From scratch, Docker does not support this by itself. You must use additional components either a docker plugin which would provide you with a new