

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-05-03 20:57:39
越南人怎么看中国人,我该怎么办? 首先,亚洲的种族主义概念不像西方的黑人和白人之间的问题。在西方,如果一个白人在工作场所或者约会场所辱骂黑人的话,肯定立马上新闻并产生不良的影响。 Asiahas a complex history as it is a complex place. Other continents are tooobviously, but it is especially true in Asia where so many things have occurredfor millennium. 亚洲有复杂的历史,因为这是个复杂的地方。其他大洲也是如此。亚洲尤其如此,很多事情已经存在了几千年。 Ifyou’re lucky, you’ll find a Vietnamese fangirl/fanboy who watch too muchC-drama, read too much C-novel and love too much Chinese celebrities. They willdo more than love your culture, ethnicity and they will be very affectionatetowards you. 如果你幸运的话,你会发现有些越南年轻人喜欢看中国连续剧,看中国小说,喜欢中国名人