
Automatically close all the other <details> tags after opening a specific <details> tag

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-21 10:15:33
问题 Here is my code. <details> <summary>1</summary> Demo 1 </details> <details> <summary>2</summary> Demo 2 </details> <details> <summary>3</summary> Demo 3 </details> What I want to do is -- if the details of any single <details> tag is open and I open/view another <details> tag, then the earlier one should close/hide/minimize. How can this be achieved? I'm aware the <details> tag is not supported in IE or Edge. 回答1: Another approach, slightly shorter, slightly more efficient, without

How can you hide the arrow that is displayed by default on the HTML5 <details> element in Chrome?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-18 10:26:51
问题 I now its still early but I also know you guys are on top of it. I want to use the HTML5 details element: <details> <summary>What's the HTML5 details element?</summary> <p>The details element represents a disclosure widget from which the user can obtain additional information or controls.</p> </details> As of this writing, Chrome 12 beta is the only browser to actually give the details element functionality (clicking on summary toggles the details content). So to answer the following question

Get or set file details programmatically [duplicate]

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-14 03:43:58
问题 This question already has answers here : How to get the EXIF data from a file using C# [closed] (7 answers) Closed 5 years ago . Try going to any file, right clicking on it, and clicking on the "Details" tab. Like this photo I want to change this values. Also Can I add custom properties the file details. Especially I want to do this changes for tif,jpeg,png,pdf files. Can I see my custom properties in "Details" window? I found this page but it can change only office files. http://www

Access host machine details from inside Docker container [closed]

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-13 06:44:25
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 3 years ago . I would like to know the way to get host machine details especially the MAC address from inside Docker container. 回答1: Maybe you can approach this problem different way. Eg. pass information you need from host to container via environment variables. docker run -e HOST_MAC=$

Expanding all details tags

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-12 17:37:37
问题 Anyone know if there is a way to create an expand all link for pages that use the semantic <details> tag? I managed to create a link that would auto-open closed details: Link to details section that expands details section as well Now I'm trying to add a link that will expand all <details> . I'm guessing you can do it with javascript but I'm weak there. Something to the effect of clicking a link that initiates a script that finds all "<details in the html and inserting the word "open" before

problem loading data in details jqGrid from master grid?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-11 06:55:48
问题 When I am making a call first time it shows data in my details grid from master grid but when selecting other row its not populating the new data in the details grid.. jQuery("#list10").jqGrid({ sortable: true, url: '/cpsb/', datatype: 'json', colNames: ['Order', 'Load', 'Gate Time', 'Stop', 'Customer', 'Status'], colModel: [ { name: 'orderNumber', index: 'orderNumber', width: 120, align: "center", sorttype: "int", key: true }, { name:

Link to details section that expands details section as well

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-11 05:38:00
问题 Anyone use the <details> tag? I'm trying to create a link that takes the user to a details section and opens the previously closed details. Haven't found any solutions that work and aren't 5 years old. <details><summary id="openThis">This is initially closed</summary>More words and stuff</details> I'd like to create an anchor like this <a href="#openThis">Open Sesame</a> that also expands the details without the user having to click again. Any ideas welcome. 来源:

Android WiFi Direct device details

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-10 17:23:18
问题 I'd like to know how I can change the device details of WiFi Direct interface of an Android device (for example the name of interface). I'm developing an application that uses Bluetooth or WiFi Direct technology for wireless communications and it connects only to devices named with a particular prefix to discriminate those devices that are running my app, respect to those that have only the interface on (I know that it is a naive solution... :)). Bluetooth permits to manipulate the name of

Remove blue border from open <details> element in Chrome?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-09 14:08:58
问题 I'm upgrading my site to use the new HTML5 details element for better accessibility. It's all working OK, but unfortunately when I click to open the element, Chrome applies an ugly blue border: Is there any way I can stop Chrome doing this? I can't see any explicit CSS styles being applied, so I'm not sure how to get rid of it. JSFiddle code here to demo the problem: 回答1: Use outline:none; For Instance, summary{ outline:none; } WORKING DEMO Hope this helps. 回答2: Use

Detecting the opening or closing of a details element

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-09 02:49:00
问题 How can I detect when a details element is opened or closed in Javascript? Other than attaching a listener to the click function and checking if the open attribute is set or not. 回答1: You can do something like this: <details id="element"> <p>Details</p> </details> <script> var isOpen = ($("#element").attr("open") == "open"); alert ("Open = " + isOpen); </script> 回答2: You can use the toggle event: var details = document.querySelector("details") details.addEventListener("toggle", function() {