
DBX Error: Driver could not be properly initialised

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-23 10:54:27
问题 I am running Delphi XE3 (Ultimate Edition) , MySQL database and this is the error I get when a click Test Connection . As a response, I located the libmysql library in my xampp directory and copied it over to my System32 directory. This does not work however. Which libraries/drivers is this message referring to and what is the correct directory to place them in? libmysql version - 回答1: The message states that the library could be: missing; not properly installed; or of the wrong

Grid Scroll Behind Modal Window

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-23 02:45:16
问题 I have built a MCV of this problem, and I'm happy to upload it. I'll try to describe the problem first. Create a main window and place a TDBGrid connected to a table through any database available. OnShow of the window connect to the database and open the table. Create a button on the main window that launches a non-modal window. On the non-modal window create a button that launches a modal window. Follow these steps carefully to replicate the problem. Run the application. Put focus into the

Delphi XE3 indy compatibility issue between tbytes and tidbytes

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-23 01:11:30
问题 I already saw post at Delphi XE4 Indy compatibility issue between TBytes and TidBytes about compatibility issues between the data types tbytes and tidbytes. From the second answer I learned, that it looks like they can't be used together even though they're both array of byte. However, the latest answer says, that in indy 10.5.9 it was dependent of the presence of TBytes, and that only in Indy 10.6 was it completely submitted as array of byte. Anyway,I have a .pas unit which decodes several

Delphi XE3 indy compatibility issue between tbytes and tidbytes

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-23 01:11:12
问题 I already saw post at Delphi XE4 Indy compatibility issue between TBytes and TidBytes about compatibility issues between the data types tbytes and tidbytes. From the second answer I learned, that it looks like they can't be used together even though they're both array of byte. However, the latest answer says, that in indy 10.5.9 it was dependent of the presence of TBytes, and that only in Indy 10.6 was it completely submitted as array of byte. Anyway,I have a .pas unit which decodes several

Fix VCL Styles Directory in Delphi XE3

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-22 16:46:36
问题 I have a problem about VCL Styles in Delphi IDE. When I change VCL Style From default style to another style in delphi IDE and run program an "Style 'Style Name' not found" error comes up. I trying to find a option in IDE to fix Style directory, but I can't find any options. Please, help me to solve this problem and fixing IDE Options. thanx a lot. 回答1: oh, after a time, I found a way for solving this problem. for solving this problem must running the "redistsetup.bat" file. this file by

Fix VCL Styles Directory in Delphi XE3

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-22 16:46:05
问题 I have a problem about VCL Styles in Delphi IDE. When I change VCL Style From default style to another style in delphi IDE and run program an "Style 'Style Name' not found" error comes up. I trying to find a option in IDE to fix Style directory, but I can't find any options. Please, help me to solve this problem and fixing IDE Options. thanx a lot. 回答1: oh, after a time, I found a way for solving this problem. for solving this problem must running the "redistsetup.bat" file. this file by

Microsoft AlwaysOn failover solution and Delphi

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-21 17:02:27
问题 I'm trying to make a Delphi application to work with AlwaysOn solution. I found on Google that I have to use MultiSubnetFailover=True in the connection string. Application is compiled in Delphi XE3 and uses TADOConnection . If I use Provider=SQLOLEDB in the connection string, application starts but it looks like MultiSubnetFailover=True has no effect. If I use Provider=SQLNCLI11 (I found on Google that OLEDB doesn't support AlwaysOn solution and I have to use SQL Native client) I get invalid

TChromium ChromeTabs Not Working

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-21 06:48:25
问题 I want do a Tabs for my TChromium. I have this: Browsers: array[0..1000] of TChromium; And this ChromeTabs procedures: procedure TForm1.ChromeTabsActiveTabChanged(Sender: TObject; ATab: TChromeTab); var c:integer; begin for c := 0 to ChromeTabs.Tabs.Count do if browsers[c]<>NIL then if c=ChromeTabs.ActiveTabIndex then browsers[c].Visible:=true else browsers[c].visible:=false; end; procedure TForm1.ChromeTabsButtonAddClick(Sender: TObject; var Handled: Boolean); begin browsers[ChromeTabs

How do I get the SelectedValue of a ComboBox from code?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-21 05:41:12
问题 I am trying to build something like a TLookupComboBox using LiveBindings. I have placed a normal TComboBox on a VCL form. I also have a data set with some rows that have the two fields id and text . Then I used the LiveBindings editor to create a TBindSourceDB and a TBindingsList . There is just one binding in it: object BindingsList1: TBindingsList Methods = <> OutputConverters = <> UseAppManager = True Left = 244 Top = 229 object LinkFillControlToField1: TLinkFillControlToField Category =

How do I get the SelectedValue of a ComboBox from code?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-21 05:41:00
问题 I am trying to build something like a TLookupComboBox using LiveBindings. I have placed a normal TComboBox on a VCL form. I also have a data set with some rows that have the two fields id and text . Then I used the LiveBindings editor to create a TBindSourceDB and a TBindingsList . There is just one binding in it: object BindingsList1: TBindingsList Methods = <> OutputConverters = <> UseAppManager = True Left = 244 Top = 229 object LinkFillControlToField1: TLinkFillControlToField Category =