

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-02-28 23:09:37
一.安装 Xfce: sudo apt update sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies xorg dbus-x11 x11-xserver-utils 二.安装Xrdp: sudo apt install xrdp 验证 Xrdp : sudo systemctl status xrdp 三.如果没有图标,是蓝屏界面,安装补丁 (Ubuntu 18.04,18.10 & 19.04) 1 http://www.c-nergy.be/downloads/install-xrdp-3.0.zip 2 unzip install-xrdp-3.0.zip 3 chmod 777 Install-xrdp-3.0.sh 4 ./Install-xrdp-3.0.sh 参考: https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2019-08/159848.htm https://www.cnblogs.com/li-bing/p/11131384.html http://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=13663 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/lsfx/blog/3175240


做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-02-27 14:43:09
作者 | 声东 阿里云售后技术专家 导读 :排查完全陌生的问题、完全不熟悉的系统组件,是售后工程师的一大工作乐趣,当然也是挑战。今天借这篇文章,跟大家分析一例这样的问题。排查过程中,需要理解一些自己完全陌生的组件,比如 systemd 和 dbus。但是排查问题的思路和方法基本上还是可以复用了,希望对大家有所帮助。 问题一直在发生 1. I'm NotReady 阿里云有自己的 Kubernetes 容器集群产品。随着 Kubernetes 集群出货量的剧增,线上用户零星的发现,集群会非常低概率地出现节点 NotReady 情况。 据我们观察,这个问题差不多每个月就会有一到两个客户遇到。在节点 NotReady 之后,集群 Master 没有办法对这个节点做任何控制,比如下发新的 Pod,再比如抓取节点上正在运行 Pod 的实时信息。 2. 需要知道的 Kubernetes 知识 这里我稍微补充一点 Kubernetes 集群的基本知识。Kubernetes 集群的“硬件基础”,是以单机形态存在的集群节点。这些节点可以是物理机,也可以是虚拟机。集群节点分为 Master 和 Worker 节点。 Master 节点主要用来负载集群管控组件,比如调度器和控制器; 而 Worker 节点主要用来跑业务。Kubelet 是跑在各个节点上的代理,它负责与管控组件沟通,并按照管控组件的指示

Defining Enum custom types for Qt D-Bus introspection

风格不统一 提交于 2020-01-23 02:07:26
问题 I am working with QDBUS which has the custom type as Enum. After googling I found below link which explains marshalling of QDBUS custom types. http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/D-Bus/CustomTypes#Adventurous_serialization_of_enumerations This doesnot explain the annotation to be specified in the QTDBUS interospection xml to generate proxy using qdbusxml2cpp. How to add Enum annotations in QTDBUS interospection xml? Please if possible explain with some sample code. 回答1: I found a


ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-01-20 21:19:02
作者 | 声东 阿里云售后技术专家 导读 :排查完全陌生的问题、完全不熟悉的系统组件,是售后工程师的一大工作乐趣,当然也是挑战。今天借这篇文章,跟大家分析一例这样的问题。排查过程中,需要理解一些自己完全陌生的组件,比如 systemd 和 dbus。但是排查问题的思路和方法基本上还是可以复用了,希望对大家有所帮助。 问题一直在发生 1. I’m NotReady 阿里云有自己的 Kubernetes 容器集群产品。随着 Kubernetes 集群出货量的剧增,线上用户零星的发现,集群会非常低概率地出现节点 NotReady 情况。 据我们观察,这个问题差不多每个月就会有一到两个客户遇到。在节点 NotReady 之后,集群 Master 没有办法对这个节点做任何控制,比如下发新的 Pod,再比如抓取节点上正在运行 Pod 的实时信息。 2. 需要知道的 Kubernetes 知识 这里我稍微补充一点 Kubernetes 集群的基本知识。Kubernetes 集群的“硬件基础”,是以单机形态存在的集群节点。这些节点可以是物理机,也可以是虚拟机。集群节点分为 Master 和 Worker 节点。 Master 节点主要用来负载集群管控组件,比如调度器和控制器; 而 Worker 节点主要用来跑业务。Kubelet 是跑在各个节点上的代理,它负责与管控组件沟通,并按照管控组件的指示

systemd servicefailed to connect to session d-bus

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-01-16 03:54:10
问题 I have a application which has to connect to session dbus during bootup. If I start my application manually or start with initd, it is starting and connecting to session dbus. But if I start through systemd by giving command as systemctl --user start my-service which is in the path "/etc/systemd/user", it is showing the following error "Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory". What can be the possible reasons? The service file is as follows: [Unit] Description=dummy application

How to pass an array of string to dbus in PyQt5? [duplicate]

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-15 06:45:50
问题 This question already has an answer here : PyQt5 dbus: Force type signature of signal argument to be array of string (1 answer) Closed 8 days ago . I'm trying to make a dbus call using python3.4 and pyqt5.4 to a java-written daemon, the signature of the daemon for the method I'm calling is asa{sv} The call I'm doing is fpiudaemon = QDBusInterface("it.libersoft.FirmapiuDInterface", "/it/libersoft/FirmapiuD", interface='it.libersoft.FirmapiuDInterface' , parent=None) result = fpiudaemon.call(

DBUS Return value

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-01-14 02:54:47
问题 In DBUS , in the XML file if I give the below code why is proxy generating a function with void return type ? <method name="getLocalTime"> <arg type="s" name="timeString" direction="out" /> <arg type="s" name="dateString" direction="out" /> </method> virtual void getMyTime(std::string& time, std::string& date) = 0; 回答1: In DBus, output from method calls is passed via the argument list, not the classical C function return mechanism. Furthermore, if the method is not asynchronous, then it is

Listing details of USB drives using python and udisk2

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-01-12 08:38:07
问题 I have developed an application which uses udisks version 1 to find and list details of connected USB drives. The details include device (/dev/sdb1...etc), mount point, and free space. However, I found that modern distros has udisks2 installed by default. Here is the little code found on the other SO thread:- #!/usr/bin/python2.7 import dbus bus = dbus.SystemBus() ud_manager_obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.UDisks2', '/org/freedesktop/UDisks2') om = dbus.Interface(ud_manager_obj, 'org

How to use a variant dictionary (`a{sv}`) in dbus-send

故事扮演 提交于 2020-01-12 03:23:06
问题 I have some trouble with dbus-send when using a{sv} Calling a method with in_signature='a{ss}' seems to work using the following command line: dbus-send --dest="org.test.TestService" /org/test/TestService/object org.test.TestService.method1 dict:string:string:"a","1","b","2" Now I would like to have a dictionary with a variant type for values ( in_signature=a{sv} ), How can I use it in dbus-send ? 回答1: Although D-Bus supports signatures such as a{sv} , dbus-send does not. This is from the

PyQt5 dbus: Force type signature of signal argument to be array of string

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-11 14:14:08
问题 I'm writing an MPRIS player, which communicates with clients over dbus. I need to emit a signal when my playback state changes. However, the signal requires a format of (sa{sv}as) , and my code is producing (sa{sv}av) . Here's the important part: self.signal = QDBusMessage.createSignal( "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged" ) self.signal.setArguments( [interface, {property: values}, ['']] ) The problem is the third item in the list given to