
Is ApplicationComponent deprecated?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-02-08 14:08:13
问题 I just started using Dagger Hilt for dependency injection on Android and I get a warning on Android Studio saying 'ApplicationComponent' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java . I didn't find anything related to this warning while Googling, is it actually deprecated or is it safe to use? I also noticed on Dagger's website that they don't mention it anywhere in the "Migrating to Hilt" guide and they use @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) which seems to be working but I have no idea why. 回答1:

Is ApplicationComponent deprecated?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2021-02-08 14:05:36
问题 I just started using Dagger Hilt for dependency injection on Android and I get a warning on Android Studio saying 'ApplicationComponent' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java . I didn't find anything related to this warning while Googling, is it actually deprecated or is it safe to use? I also noticed on Dagger's website that they don't mention it anywhere in the "Migrating to Hilt" guide and they use @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) which seems to be working but I have no idea why. 回答1:

Failed resolution of: Ldagger/internal/Preconditions

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-02-07 19:09:38
问题 My app worked well but due to some problem with my operating system Debian I decided to reinstall it and I choose to install Ubuntu-16.04 instead of the last Debian. Now everything is OK. The problem is my android application. After reinstalling android-studio the stable version, I can not test my application anymore. Why? Because every time I launch the application, I got this error. I don't know what it means, and after some searching on the internet, I didn't get anywhere. Here is the

扔物线 Jetpack Hilt 集训课限时免费,快来领取!

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-02-01 11:47:07
做 Android 的人都知道 ButterKnife,很多人也因为 ButterKnife 而知道了 Dagger。然而同为注解 + 自动赋值的库,Dagger 却远不像 ButterKnife 那样受欢迎。 为什么?比较容易归结的原因是:Dagger 太难了,超级难;而且在难的同时,它似乎也没什么用处。一个又难又没用的库,当然不会流行。 是这样吗?并不是的。 Dagger 难用不假,但它绝不是没用,相反,它是一个对 Java 和 Android 开发非常有用的库,尤其是对于大项目而言。很多真正把 Dagger 用熟了的人都说:项目越来越大才慢慢体会到 Dagger 的好。 有人可能会奇怪: 大项目更需要 Dagger ?不对吧,我怎么记得我上次试图把 Dagger 集成进项目的时候,就是因为项目太大而失败了? 非常有用?不可能,我做了几年开发了,从没用过 Dagger,不是也活下来了 ? Dagger 很有用,但你要「 用得对 」才能体会到。可是作为一个工具库,对开发者们要求太多的使用姿势,的确不够友好。这就是为什么 Hilt 会被创造出来。 Hilt 是 Dagger 团队专门为 Android 开发打造的,针对 Android 平台的依赖注入库。它基于 Dagger,但对于 Android 开发做了全方位的优化,既保留了 Dagger 一直以来无敌的性能优势,又不像

扔物线承诺的 Jetpack Hilt 公开课已安排,快来领取!

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2021-02-01 11:34:12
做 Android 的人都知道 ButterKnife,很多人也因为 ButterKnife 而知道了 Dagger。 然而同为注解 + 自动赋值的库,Dagger 却远不像 ButterKnife 那样受欢迎。 为什么?比较容易归结的原因是:Dagger 太难了,超级难;而且在难的同时,它似乎也没什么用处。一个又难又没用的库,当然不会流行。 是这样吗? 并不是的。 Dagger 难用不假,但它绝不是没用,相反,它是一个对 Java 和 Android 开发非常有用的库,尤其是对于大项目而言。很多真正把 Dagger 用熟了的人都说:项目越来越大才慢慢体会到 Dagger 的好。 有人可能会奇怪: 大项目更需要 Dagger?不对吧,我怎么记得我上次试图把 Dagger 集成进项目的时候,就是因为项目太大而失败了? 非常有用?不可能,我做了几年开发了,从没用过 Dagger,不是也活下来了? Dagger 很有用,但你要「用得对」才能体会到。可是作为一个工具库,对开发者们要求太多的使用姿势,的确不够友好。这就是为什么 Hilt 会被创造出来。 Hilt 是 Dagger 团队专门为 Android 开发打造的,针对 Android 平台的依赖注入库。它基于 Dagger,但对于 Android 开发做了全方位的优化,既保留了 Dagger 一直以来无敌的性能优势,又不像

Dagger 1 and Dagger 2 package names conflict

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-01-28 22:23:09
问题 I have an Android project in which one 3rd party library depends on Dagger 1 and my project on Dagger 2 . Dagger 1 and 2 have the same package names so my app is working fine, but 3rd party library is not working because of overriding dagger 1 package by dagger 2. Changing the package name of Dagger 2 to dagger2 instead of dagger is not an option because annotation compiler is generating classes with static package name dagger . Is there a way of resolving this conflict? 回答1: Use jarjar on

Why are Dagger subcomponents declared in a module and not in the parent component directly?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-01-28 12:26:27
问题 Why is the subcomponents = attribute set on a module of a component and not on the component directly? This doesn't seem very intuitive to me so I guess there must be a reason. @Component(modules = ExampleModule.class) public interface AppComponent @Module(subcomponents = ActivityComponent.class) public abstract class ExampleModule 回答1: In a sense, it makes more sense for subcomponents to be on modules: They're private implementation details that are not necessarily exposed publicly, and ones


女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-01-17 03:45:06
Android面试题[百度,小米,美团] 类加载器 双亲委托机制 自己定义java.lang.String, 在其他地方调用String类,调用的是系统的还是自定义的 同一个类用两个类加载器加载是否一样 类加载器的分类 类加载器在插件化中的应用 Handler Message 一个线程有几个Handler,如果一个线程有多个Handler,那么怎么系统怎么确定某个Message所回调到的handleMessage方法 两个副线程可以使用Looper.prepare公用一个MessageQueue吗?如果可以怎么实现 HandlerThread的用法 多线程 volatile关键词 lReentrantLock synchronized(同步代码快,同步函数,同步变量有什么区别) 有使用过什么多线程类? (回答任意一个都会追究到源码级,例如说AsyncTask,会问AsyncTask的线程池,并行和串行实现以及BlockingQueue的源码) A,B两线程同时启动,A执行到某一段必须等待B执行完才能接着执行,怎么实现?(消费者生产者模式) 设计模式 书写一个线程安全的单例模式(纯手写) 列举几个源码中你觉得用的比较好的设计模式并举例(AlertDialog Builder) 算法(书写代码) 自己实现String的equals方法 字符串反转算法 十二个球


霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-01-13 03:46:57
一、符号转义 二、 字母转义 三、数字转义 四、特殊字符转义 符号转义: — 制表符Horizontal tab — 换行Line feed — 回车Carriage Return — Space ! — 惊叹号Exclamation mark " — &quot; 双引号Quotation mark # — 数字标志Number sign $ — 美元标志Dollar sign % — 百分号Percent sign & — &amp; Ampersand ‘ — 单引号Apostrophe ( — 小括号左边部分Left parenthesis ) — 小括号右边部分Right parenthesis * — 星号Asterisk + — 加号Plus sign , — 逗号Comma - — 连字号Hyphen . — 句号Period (fullstop) / — 斜杠Solidus (slash) : — 冒号Colon ; — 分号Semicolon < — &lt; 小于号Less than = — 等于符号Equals sign > —&gt; 大于号Greater than ? — 问号Question mark @ — Commercial at [ --- 中括号左边部分Left square bracket \ --- 反斜杠Reverse solidus

Hilt creating different instances of view model inside same activity

大憨熊 提交于 2020-12-25 04:36:36
问题 After recently migrating from Dagger to Hilt I started observing very strange behavior with respect to ViewModels. Below is the code snippet: @HiltAndroidApp class AndroidApplication : Application() {} @Singleton class HomeViewModel @ViewModelInject constructor() : ViewModel() {} @AndroidEntryPoint class HomeFragment : Fragment(R.layout.fragment_home) { private val homeViewModel by viewModels<HomeViewModel>() override fun onResume() { super.onResume() Timber.i("hashCode: ${homeViewModel