
How to generate a Crystal Report from a list of parameters

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-13 04:48:16
问题 My requirement is to generate a employee details report of multiple employees.Parameters for query will be employee number and a date range. This is the record selection formula i'm using {EMP_LEAVE_REPORT_VIEW.LEAVE_START_DATE} in {?sDate} to {?eDate} and ( Stringvar Array strings := Split({?empNoList}, "_"); Numbervar Array numbers; Redim numbers[Ubound(strings)]; Numbervar i; for i := 1 to Ubound(strings) do ( numbers[i] := ToNumber(strings[i]); if {EMP_LEAVE_REPORT_VIEW.EMP_NO} = numbers

How to create sql procedure for calculating Total dues

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-12 18:38:29
问题 Can anyone help me by showing a create procedure statement for calculating Total Dues from three tables? Here are the tables along with their data .. Table_1 accountno shipername shiperaddress Executivename 001 john 123, London Paul 002 Robi 127, China Soma Table_2 Executivename shipername shiperaddress accountno currentamount anotheramount paul john 123,london 001 10500 12000 soma robi 127,china 002 11000 6800 Table_3 accountno Date ReceivedAmount MoneyReceiptNo 001 1/1/2012 6500 G 256412

My Crystal Report is not getting refreshed while passing parameter?

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-12 13:28:38
问题 I have created my Crystal Reports using SQL query in Crystal Reports itself, by passing two parameters, i.e, say for eg:- Month & Year. While I preview the report, I can able to navigate through all pages by passing different parameters and its working fine, but while viewing the report through browser I can't able to view the current report instead is loads the previously generated report, but while I manually make refresh the crystal page in toolbar I can see the current report, even I can

Crystal Reports - Count Formula

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-01 04:32:23
I am developing a report in Crystal and I need to do a count on a particular field that has several different statuses. For example, I have a "StatusType" field in my report that contains values that are "In Process", "Rejected", "On Hold", or "Submitted" . I want to be able to do a count on the "StatusType" field as to how many values are "Rejected" and "Submitted" in one formula. The report is grouped by "StatusType" . I'm new to writing formulas in Crystal Reports so would appreciate some guidance with getting a formula that will count those two values in the field. Please let me know what

Crystal Reports - Count Formula

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-01 03:17:45
问题 I am developing a report in Crystal and I need to do a count on a particular field that has several different statuses. For example, I have a "StatusType" field in my report that contains values that are "In Process", "Rejected", "On Hold", or "Submitted" . I want to be able to do a count on the "StatusType" field as to how many values are "Rejected" and "Submitted" in one formula. The report is grouped by "StatusType" . I'm new to writing formulas in Crystal Reports so would appreciate some