Is Matlab still slower than opencv in C++
According to this link and this one , it is said that opencv is much faster than matlab. First link is written in March 2012, second one is a bit later than that. In the first link, it says, "Programs written in OpenCV run much faster than similar programs written in Matlab." and rates Matlab: 2/10 and OpenCV: 9/10 Consider, I have two float Matrix whose size are 1024*1024 ( mat1 and mat2 ). I want to correlate this matrices. In matlab, corr2(mat1,mat2); //70-75 ms In opencv, c++ Mat result(1,1,CV_32F); matchTemplate(mat1,mat2,result, CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED); // 145-150 ms As far as I know, c and