
AWS DotNet SDK Error: Unable to get IAM security credentials from EC2 Instance Metadata Service

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-18 23:28:10
问题 I use an example from here in order to retreive a secret from AWS SecretsManager in c# code. I have set credentials locally via AWS CLI, and I am able to retreive secret list using AWS CLI command "aws secretsmanager list-secrets". But c# console app fails with an error: > Unhandled exception. System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Unable to get IAM security credentials from EC2 Instance Metadata Service.) ---> Amazon.Runtime.AmazonServiceException: Unable to get IAM

Java client call to Windows Integated Authentication web service

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-18 18:16:45
问题 I am writing a Java 1.5+ client that needs to fetch data from an IIS-hosted web service. I created a new web service client in Eclipse and used the Java Proxy client type and Apache Axis2 web service runtime when generating the client proxy. The web service itself runs on Windows 2003 and security is set to use only Windows Integrated Authentication. I have found many articles online that show how to connect successfully from a Java client to this IIS service, but everything I have seen seems

c# files downloaded with httpwebrequest and cookies get corrupted

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2021-02-11 06:09:33
问题 I am trying to make a program which is able to download files with URI(URL) using httpwebrequest and cookies(for credential information to keep login status). I can download files with following code but files get corrupted after being downloaded. when I download xlsx file(on the web page) into text file at local drive, I see some part of numbers and words from an original file in a corrupted file, therefore I assume I have reached to the right file. however, when I download xlsx file(on the

c# files downloaded with httpwebrequest and cookies get corrupted

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-11 06:08:35
问题 I am trying to make a program which is able to download files with URI(URL) using httpwebrequest and cookies(for credential information to keep login status). I can download files with following code but files get corrupted after being downloaded. when I download xlsx file(on the web page) into text file at local drive, I see some part of numbers and words from an original file in a corrupted file, therefore I assume I have reached to the right file. however, when I download xlsx file(on the

c# files downloaded with httpwebrequest and cookies get corrupted

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-11 06:07:14
问题 I am trying to make a program which is able to download files with URI(URL) using httpwebrequest and cookies(for credential information to keep login status). I can download files with following code but files get corrupted after being downloaded. when I download xlsx file(on the web page) into text file at local drive, I see some part of numbers and words from an original file in a corrupted file, therefore I assume I have reached to the right file. however, when I download xlsx file(on the

c# files downloaded with httpwebrequest and cookies get corrupted

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-11 06:06:46
问题 I am trying to make a program which is able to download files with URI(URL) using httpwebrequest and cookies(for credential information to keep login status). I can download files with following code but files get corrupted after being downloaded. when I download xlsx file(on the web page) into text file at local drive, I see some part of numbers and words from an original file in a corrupted file, therefore I assume I have reached to the right file. however, when I download xlsx file(on the

Spring integration - imap - credentials issue

核能气质少年 提交于 2021-02-08 10:20:17
问题 Here is my xml: <mail:inbound-channel-adapter id="imapAdapter" store-uri="imaps://[]:[secretPass]" channel="recieveEmailChannel" should-delete-messages="false" should-mark-messages-as-read="true" auto-startup="true" java-mail-properties="javaMailProperties"> For some reason when i type this "store-uri" i get this exception (null password): DEBUG: protocolConnect returning false,], user=[avita.nir, password=<null> 21 יול 2013 15:32:05

How can I log in to Stack Exchange using curl?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-07 23:52:19
问题 I would like to log in to a remote website from Terminal, which requires an username and password to log in. So I first tried to log in to one of the Stack Exchange site. According to this answer, you use -u username:password to add your credentials. So I tried the following: USERNAME="" PASSWORD="myPassword" URL="" curl $URL -u $USERNAME:$PASSWORD But the resultant website is not a page that the logged-in user sees but it is a page that

API call using Ansible uri module

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-07 14:55:23
问题 I am trying to use the Ansible uri module to communicate with DeployHQ's API. Here is the example DeployHQ's documentation that I am trying to use from Ansible: curl -H "Content-type: application/json" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ --user \ -d '{"deployment":{ "parent_identifier":"7563d091-ca73-588e-cfe2- e4936f190145", \ "start_revision" : "e84b5937f1132932dd56026db26a76f406555c19", \ "end_revision" : "e84b5937f1132932dd56026db26a76f406555c19", \ "mode" :

Git credential fill rejects my input, scheduled on Windows

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-07 01:56:00
问题 I want to run a daily task on a Windows server: git-pull + heavy tests. As I want it to be triggered by a schedule and run from a script, I need the Git credentials to be fed in automatically. I want to use Git credential fill with the syntax key=value As this is my first time using Git credentials, I may got something basic wrong. I tried working in both Git Bash (Git extensions --> Ctrl + G ) and Cygwin. There I entered the following lines: $ git credential fill protocol=ssh host=devserver