Explain the continuation example on p.137 of The Little Schemer
The code in question is this: (define multirember&co (lambda (a lat col) (cond ((null? lat) (col (quote ()) (quote ()))) ((eq? (car lat) a) (multirember&co a (cdr lat) (lambda (newlat seen) (col newlat (cons (car lat) seen))))) (else (multirember&co a (cdr lat) (lambda (newlat seen) (col (cons (car lat) newlat) seen)))))) I've stared at this all day but I can't quite seem to understand it. When you recur on the function you are re-defining col but in the examples they seem to use the original definition. Why wouldn't it change. How can you recur on it without passing in the parameters newlat