
How to add check box inside combobox in c#

戏子无情 提交于 2020-05-14 16:24:06
问题 I want to add check box inside comboBox in C#. My purpose is that the user can select multiple values from one ComboBox ( Check all and Uncheck all ). Please Help 回答1: You have to extend the ComboBox control by providing your own rendering strategy, and "manually" adding a CheckBox. Theses open source project are ready to use : 回答2: It is a wrong usage of a ComboBox control

How to add check box inside combobox in c#

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-05-14 16:23:27
问题 I want to add check box inside comboBox in C#. My purpose is that the user can select multiple values from one ComboBox ( Check all and Uncheck all ). Please Help 回答1: You have to extend the ComboBox control by providing your own rendering strategy, and "manually" adding a CheckBox. Theses open source project are ready to use : 回答2: It is a wrong usage of a ComboBox control

How to clear text field part of ttk.Combobox?

孤人 提交于 2020-05-12 02:45:52
问题 I have a delete function that is supposed to remove the selected item in the Combobox and its associated dictionary value. Then it is supposed to clear the textbox that displays that dictionary value and I would like it to also clear just the text file of the combo box. Is there a way to do that? def DeleteEntry(): if not ComboBox.get() == "" and ComboBox.get() in FriendMap: del FriendMap[ComboBox.get()] FriendListKeys = FriendMap.keys() FriendListKeys.sort() ComboBox['values']=FriendListKeys

How to clear text field part of ttk.Combobox?

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-05-12 02:45:00
问题 I have a delete function that is supposed to remove the selected item in the Combobox and its associated dictionary value. Then it is supposed to clear the textbox that displays that dictionary value and I would like it to also clear just the text file of the combo box. Is there a way to do that? def DeleteEntry(): if not ComboBox.get() == "" and ComboBox.get() in FriendMap: del FriendMap[ComboBox.get()] FriendListKeys = FriendMap.keys() FriendListKeys.sort() ComboBox['values']=FriendListKeys

Start a Task in the Form Shown event

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-05-09 05:56:02
问题 I want to bind a ComboBox to an EF Core entity of 53k rows. This takes some time, around 10 seconds. I thought that if I put the binding process in the Form Shown event, the UI will stay responsive. But this was not the case. What I've tried: Private Sub frmCerere_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() GetProducts(cmbProduse), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning) End Sub Public Shared Sub GetProducts(ctrl As ComboBox) Using context As EnsightContext =


心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-05-08 14:56:04
C#WinForm应用程序中嵌入ECharts图表 程序运行效果: 下载ECharts: 官网下载ECharts : 或者直接在这里下载:源码版echarts.js 、完整版 echarts.min.js 下载地址 引入 ECharts ECharts 3 开始不再强制使用 AMD 的方式按需引入,代码里也不再内置 AMD 加载器。因此引入方式简单了很多,只需要像普通的 JavaScript 库一样用 script 标签引入。 1 <! DOCTYPE html > 2 < html > 3 < head > 4 < meta charset ="utf-8" > 5 <!-- 引入 ECharts 文件 --> 6 < script src ="echarts.min.js" ></ script > 7 </ head > 8 </ html > 绘制一个简单的图表 在绘图前我们需要为 ECharts 准备一个具备高宽的 DOM 容器。 1 < body > 2 <!-- 为 ECharts 准备一个具备大小(宽高)的 DOM --> 3 < div id ="main" style ="width: 600px;height:400px;" ></ div > 4 </ body > 然后就可以通过

在WPF中自定义控件(3) CustomControl (下)

北城余情 提交于 2020-05-03 23:00:21
原文: 在WPF中自定义控件(3) CustomControl (下) 在WPF中自定义控件(3) CustomControl (下) 周银辉 1, 控件UI部分与逻辑部分的耦合. 这是一个容易被忽略但却非常重要的问题, 我们之所以使用CustomControl而不是UserControl,是因为我们希望自己的控件能向WPF内置控件一样,其UI能轻易地被其他用户定制或我们将来所改变.也就是说其视觉树不能与后台逻辑纠缠在一起,因为其视觉树中的元素完全可能被你的控件用户改变.比如,如果你的控件的视觉树中有一个Button,而你在该Button的Click事件中做了一些控件的逻辑处理,那么很可能你的控件打造失败了,因为该Button可能会在用户重新定义控件Template时被删除. 在讨论解决方案之前,需要提醒的是:一定要注意控件的逻辑与UI表现(Style,Template)各自职责的区分.不属于后台逻辑管的事情后台逻辑就不要管,不属于界面管的事情界面基本上也管不了或者说做起来很麻烦.一个简单的例子是:比如说你想鼠标移动到你的控件上的事情,控件稍稍变大一点,鼠标离开控件时控件大小又还原(或其他比较绚丽的效果),那么你在控件上的后台逻辑中添加的MouseEnter与MouseLeave事件的处理来达到这一效果.这时你的后台逻辑就管得过宽了,因为这种效果是Style的事情


若如初见. 提交于 2020-05-02 11:59:02
一、总复习纲要 1. Java语言特点与开发环境配置(第1章、第2章) 2. Java基本程序结构(第3章) 3. Java面向对象程序结构(第4章、第5章、第6章) 4. 类、类间关系、类图 5. Java JDK预定义类/接口及其API(String-第3章、 Arrays-第3章、Files-第3章62页、LocalDate-第4章、 Object-第5章、对象包装器-第5章、Comparator-第6章、 异常类-第7章、ArrayList-第5+8章、第9章、第10-12章、 第14章) — Java异常处理编程模型 — Java GUI编程模型 6. Java并发程序设计(第14章) 7. Java应用程序部署(第13章) 二、实验部分 1 、实验目的与要求 (1) 综合掌握java基本程序结构; (2) 综合掌握java面向对象程序设计特点; (3) 综合掌握java GUI 程序设计结构; (4) 综合掌握java多线程编程模型; (5) 综合编程练习。 2 、实验内容和步骤 任务1:填写课程课后调查问卷,网址:。 任务2:综合编程练习 练习1:设计一个用户信息采集程序,要求如下: (1) 用户信息输入界面如下图所示: (1)用户点击提交按钮时,用户输入信息显示控制台界面; (2

How Do I Populate a ComboBox With an Existing Array

允我心安 提交于 2020-05-01 18:21:11
问题 When I try to edit details of an existing item, my code fails to fill in the corresponding information for the last two items in the list. There is a combobox for selecting the item to edit, then a textbox for the item ID, as well as a textbox for the dates the item was ordered and when it was shipped, then two more comboboxes for selecting the shipping status and the online store it was purchased through. These fields are all auto-filled with the corresponding information for the item that

How Do I Populate a ComboBox With an Existing Array

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-05-01 18:20:27
问题 When I try to edit details of an existing item, my code fails to fill in the corresponding information for the last two items in the list. There is a combobox for selecting the item to edit, then a textbox for the item ID, as well as a textbox for the dates the item was ordered and when it was shipped, then two more comboboxes for selecting the shipping status and the online store it was purchased through. These fields are all auto-filled with the corresponding information for the item that