
JFreeChart Dial chart in Coldfusion

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-01-06 08:24:27
问题 Has anyone an example of implementing a JFreechart Dial chart on Coldfusion? Thanks 回答1: (This probably should not be a separate answer, but the other was already pretty long. So I am posting it separately to keep things organized and easy to find.) In case you are looking for what jFreeChart calls a MeterChart, here is a quick and dirty example of that chart type. MeterChart Code: <cfscript> // my chart settings chartTitle = "My Meter Chart"; arrowValue = 55; arrowUnits = "widgets";

Scheduled Tasks not running - Coldfusion Server Administration

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-20 01:41:13
问题 I have a series of scheduled tasks that all run at various times of the day. Since the migration from Coldfusion version 7 to 10, these tasks have stopped running. When I check the box, that outputs the results to a file, I get a text file that says nothing more than "Connection Failure". I have tried everything imaginable regarding the username and password for the task. It makes no difference. When I run the CFM page in my browser, the page works correctly and generates an email just like

Iterate through a dynamically created table and Insert data into SQL Server table

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-18 09:42:54
问题 I have a dynamically created table in an .html form and I want to do an insert in the .cfm form. I need to loop through the rows of the dynamically created table and perform an INSERT into a table in SQL Server. Also, the table was created in JavaScript. Thanks. <cfoutput> <cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(tblSample)#" index="i"> <cfquery name="AppendForm" datasource="TestSource"> INSERT INTO tblGrand (GrandNum, GrandName, County, VersionType, VersionNum, SectCode, Comments, Provider, TypeID,

Multi-application Coldfusion 7 server and CFC paths

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-11 13:29:55
问题 We have a Coldfusion server that hosts multiple applications, all in their own subfolder. Something like: /webrootfolder/applicationA /webrootfolder/applicationB Furthermore, on the development server, we have a copy of a given application per developer, each being a Subversion working copy: /webrootfolder/applicationA_dev1 /webrootfolder/applicationA_dev2 /webrootfolder/applicationA_dev3 Since we are running Coldfusion 7 (with major resistance to upgrading), I find myself stuck as I want to

How to restart Coldfusion Application Server when application times out?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-03 22:38:38
问题 Is there any way to restart the CF server through the Application.cfc, when the application times out? As per Adobe documentation, they showed as follows: <cffunction name="onApplicationEnd"> <cfargument name="ApplicationScope" required=true/> <cflog file="#This.Name#" type="Information" text="Application #Arguments.ApplicationScope.applicationname# Ended" > </cffunction> What I would like to do is replace the <cflog> above with <cfexecute> as follows: <cfexecute name = "C:\CFRestart.bat"

Scan all files in a directory and return counts by file type

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-02 10:15:38
I have just joined an IT company & started working with ColdFusion. My Manager wants me to write code in ColdFusion which: Will scan any directory (say c:\cf\ ) which contains hundreds of files including jQuery files, cfm files etc. and give the counts of such files (we can manually select which file type to show). I wrote this code: <cfdirectory action="list" directory="direcoty path" name="Files" recurse = "yes" filter="*.*" /> <cfoutput>No of Java Script: #files.recordCount#</cfoutput> but it shows one file type at a time. How can I check multiple file types at the same time? For the first

Converting JSON string to an array in ColdFusion MX7

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-02 03:35:28
I have a cookie value like: "[{"index":"1","name":"TimePeriod","hidden":false},{"index":"2","name":"Enquiries","hidden":false},{"index":"3","name":"Online","hidden":false}]" I would like to use this cookie value as an array in ColdFusion. What would be the best possible way to do this? The normal answer would be use the built-in deserializeJson function, but since that function wasn't available in CFMX7 (it arrived in CF8), you will need to use a UDF to achieve the same thing. There are two sites which contain resources of this type, and , each of which have a different

Converting JSON string to an array in ColdFusion MX7

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-02 03:04:38
问题 I have a cookie value like: "[{"index":"1","name":"TimePeriod","hidden":false},{"index":"2","name":"Enquiries","hidden":false},{"index":"3","name":"Online","hidden":false}]" I would like to use this cookie value as an array in ColdFusion. What would be the best possible way to do this? 回答1: The normal answer would be use the built-in deserializeJson function, but since that function wasn't available in CFMX7 (it arrived in CF8), you will need to use a UDF to achieve the same thing. There are

Scheduled Tasks not running - Coldfusion Server Administration

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-01 23:14:58
I have a series of scheduled tasks that all run at various times of the day. Since the migration from Coldfusion version 7 to 10, these tasks have stopped running. When I check the box, that outputs the results to a file, I get a text file that says nothing more than "Connection Failure". I have tried everything imaginable regarding the username and password for the task. It makes no difference. When I run the CFM page in my browser, the page works correctly and generates an email just like it should. I just can't make it run as a scheduled event. Is the scheduled task folder has any check for

How to restart Coldfusion Application Server when application times out?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-01 01:15:07
Is there any way to restart the CF server through the Application.cfc, when the application times out? As per Adobe documentation, they showed as follows: <cffunction name="onApplicationEnd"> <cfargument name="ApplicationScope" required=true/> <cflog file="#This.Name#" type="Information" text="Application #Arguments.ApplicationScope.applicationname# Ended" > </cffunction> What I would like to do is replace the <cflog> above with <cfexecute> as follows: <cfexecute name = "C:\CFRestart.bat" outputFile = "C:\output.txt" timeout = "1"> </cfexecute> So OnApplicationEnd will run the CFRestart.bat