
Can I compile Multiple classes into one program with CodeDom?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-16 19:08:18
问题 Now this has been bugging me for ages and it's time to find out if it's possible. I currently have a working CodeDom that can compile one class, but I have created a program with multiple classes that I want to compile with CodeDom. I've tried looking here: CodeDom - Linking multiple classes within a single Assembly ^ No help... and here: ^ Not much help... So, is this possible? And if so, how specifically

Can I compile Multiple classes into one program with CodeDom?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-01-16 19:06:10
问题 Now this has been bugging me for ages and it's time to find out if it's possible. I currently have a working CodeDom that can compile one class, but I have created a program with multiple classes that I want to compile with CodeDom. I've tried looking here: CodeDom - Linking multiple classes within a single Assembly ^ No help... and here: ^ Not much help... So, is this possible? And if so, how specifically

Can I compile Multiple classes into one program with CodeDom?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-16 19:06:06
问题 Now this has been bugging me for ages and it's time to find out if it's possible. I currently have a working CodeDom that can compile one class, but I have created a program with multiple classes that I want to compile with CodeDom. I've tried looking here: CodeDom - Linking multiple classes within a single Assembly ^ No help... and here: ^ Not much help... So, is this possible? And if so, how specifically

Serialization with CodeDomSerializer - How to Initialize Manager Object?

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-06 02:29:09
问题 There are numerous examples on the web that show how to use the CodeDomSerializer. Most of them show how to override the Serialize and Deserialize methods of that class. The problem is that this Serialize method takes a manager argument of type IDesignerSerializationManager. I cannot figure out how to create an instance of that type... Here's what I tried: var root = new Form(); root.Controls.Add(new TextBox() { Text = "hello" }); Type rootSerializerType = Type.GetType("System.ComponentModel

How to enable implicit line continuation in VBCodeProvider?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-05 19:48:27
问题 The following VB.NET code works when compiled from the Visual Studio: Sub Main() Dim source As Dictionary(Of String, Integer) = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) Dim result = From i In source Where String.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Key) Select i.Value End Sub However, when trying to compile it by using CodeDom it appears not use implicit line continuation (I can make it to work by putting underscores but that's exactly what I want to avoid). The code used: static void Main(string[] args) { string

HttpCompileException: “External exception” when trying to access razor view in ServiceStack hosted on Apache+mod_mono

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-01-05 09:34:39
问题 I am getting HttpCompileException when trying to access a razor view. Error log contains no information. The same deployment works on NGinx+FastCGI, but not on Apache+mod_mono. I am not using the mod_mono AutoConfiguration because I have not (yet) found a way how to make it work. This is my "manual" apache2.conf configuration for mono: MonoAutoApplication disabled AddHandler mono .aspx .ascx .asax .ashx .config .cs .asmx .axd MonoApplications "/:/var/www/MyAppName" <Location /> SetHandler

An alternative for “CSharpCodeProvider.Parse”

随声附和 提交于 2020-01-04 17:35:26
问题 I'm looking for an alternative for CSharpCodeProvider.Parse . The method was supposed to parse a [C#] code source and return a CompileUnit object. However, the method isn't implemented in any .Net framework. My purpose is to be able to navigate a C# CodeDOM without having to compile it. I'm writing a application that does some code analysis but I won't necessarily have all external references, which means I can't compile it. 回答1: SharpDevelop (the open source IDE commonly used for Mono) has a

An alternative for “CSharpCodeProvider.Parse”

你。 提交于 2020-01-04 17:35:08
问题 I'm looking for an alternative for CSharpCodeProvider.Parse . The method was supposed to parse a [C#] code source and return a CompileUnit object. However, the method isn't implemented in any .Net framework. My purpose is to be able to navigate a C# CodeDOM without having to compile it. I'm writing a application that does some code analysis but I won't necessarily have all external references, which means I can't compile it. 回答1: SharpDevelop (the open source IDE commonly used for Mono) has a

.Net CodeDom - Implement lambda expression in .net

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-01-04 05:49:07
问题 I want to write something like this using CodeDom: .Where(x => x.Id == 2); I don't know what is the equivalent of this in CodeDom (System.CodeDom). 回答1: Short answer: CodeDOM doesn't have any support for lambdas. Long answer: CodeDOM doesn't have any support for lambdas, so you will have to use a workaround. Some options: Use CodeSnippetExpression : new CodeMethodInvokeExpression( collectionExpression, "Where", new CodeSnippetExpression("x => x.Id == 2")); This way, you lose most of the

How to compile C++ Code using CppCodeProvider in C#

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-03 05:59:09
问题 I tried to compile C++ code in C# using CodeDomProvider but program is giving errors. I dont know exactly how to use CppClassProvider I cant find any reference material on Internet regarding CppCodeProvider, all the websites have CSharpCodeProvider or CodeDomProvder examples. I will be thankful if anyone can help me with the situation. If I am going in wrong direction, I want to explain that I am interested in compiling C++ code in my C# application and build ".exe" as CSharpCodeProvider does