
Komodo Edit autocompletion JS object literal

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-19 11:18:50
问题 The problem is Komodo intelli-sense doesn't see object methods defined this way: var App = window.App || { method: function() { ... } } Typing "App." gives no result. However, defining an object like below works fine: var App = { method: function(){ } } How to make autocompletion working at first example pattern? 回答1: Komodo has a macro API which can automate switching between the two patterns. Use the Add macro context menu option to create a new macro and paste the following code: komodo

Komodo Edit autocompletion JS object literal

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-19 11:16:12
问题 The problem is Komodo intelli-sense doesn't see object methods defined this way: var App = window.App || { method: function() { ... } } Typing "App." gives no result. However, defining an object like below works fine: var App = { method: function(){ } } How to make autocompletion working at first example pattern? 回答1: Komodo has a macro API which can automate switching between the two patterns. Use the Add macro context menu option to create a new macro and paste the following code: komodo

Komodo Edit autocompletion JS object literal

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-01 11:42:50
The problem is Komodo intelli-sense doesn't see object methods defined this way: var App = window.App || { method: function() { ... } } Typing "App." gives no result. However, defining an object like below works fine: var App = { method: function(){ } } How to make autocompletion working at first example pattern? Paul Sweatte Komodo has a macro API which can automate switching between the two patterns. Use the Add macro context menu option to create a new macro and paste the following code: komodo.assertMacroVersion(2); if (komodo.view && komodo.view.scintilla) { komodo.view.scintilla.focus();

Javascript, SublimeCodeIntel and hinting Code Intelligence auto-completion

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-11-29 05:03:20
问题 Are there any tips or tutorials to set-up Javascript auto-completion with Sublime Text 2 and SublimeCodeIntel ? What are the limitations of Code Intel auto-completion (modules inside wrapper functon, etc.) How Javascript namespace tree is build and can you give manual hints for the Code Intel when it fails to guess correctly (e.g. give somekind of @class my.module.Foobar hint in comments) The problem is that SublimeCodeIntel itself does not describe the process and the orignal authors of Code