Code Golf: Tic Tac Toe
Post your shortest code, by character count, to check if a player has won, and if so, which. Assume you have an integer array in a variable b (board), which holds the Tic Tac Toe board, and the moves of the players where: 0 = nothing set 1 = player 1 (X) 2 = player 2 (O) So, given the array b = [ 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2 ] would represent the board X|O|X -+-+- |X|O -+-+- X| |O For that situation, your code should output 1 to indicate player 1 has won. If no-one has won you can output 0 or false . My own (Ruby) solution will be up soon. Edit : Sorry, forgot to mark it as community wiki. You