
Codeclimate test coverage formatter for Golang

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-02-07 19:23:42
问题 Nowhere in Codeclimate docs written how to specify coverage formatter. But when I'm trying to send coverage to Codeclimate: ./cc-test-reporter before-build ./cc-test-reporter after-build It is failing: Error: could not find any viable formatter. available formatters: simplecov, lcov,, clover, gocov, gcov, cobertura, jacoco I have gocov installed. Also I generated a report with goconv : gocov test -coverprofile=out And I tried to specify the report file to Codeclimate in various

Why won't Travis CI run the CodeClimate script for my Node app?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-11 12:38:40
问题 I have followed the instructions to add CodeClimate to my .travis.yml file: language: node_js script: - gulp - npm test after_script: - codeclimate < coverage/**/ addons: code_climate: repo_token: [ my token ] Everything in my build runs without error, except the codeclimate script at the end: [0K$ codeclimate < coverage/**/ /home/travis/ line 41: codeclimate: command not found What am I missing? 回答1: I added my CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN to my Travis-CI > Settings >

What is the proper way to get the karma test coverage path into Travis CI?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-10 20:24:49
问题 I'm using karma to run unit tests and generate coverage reports. That all works fine but I want to publish the file to Code Climate from Travis CI. I've done it before and it works great, but the url from that test runner was static. The issue is that karma creates a subfolder for each instance it runs such as test/coverage/PhantomJS 1.9.7 (Mac OS X)/ . Is there a clean way to get that url to feed into travis? I don't want to have to remember to update a hardcoded value

Gitlab and Code-Climate - what does it really cover? nothing?

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-10 11:09:59
问题 I setup code quality step, following this gitlab doc (very poor doc): Now the code quality step runs and I get the report (perfect). But, it seems that it doesn"t check much, here is an example: :["Complexity"],"check_name":"method_count","content":{"body":""},"description":"`Admis` has 78 methods (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.","fingerprint":"3a31032b9aff6d8b119f276d03a3c391","location":{"path":"src/main

Gitlab and Code-Climate - what does it really cover? nothing?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-06 08:39:52
I setup code quality step, following this gitlab doc (very poor doc): Now the code quality step runs and I get the report (perfect). But, it seems that it doesn"t check much, here is an example: :["Complexity"],"check_name":"method_count","content":{"body":""},"description":"`Admis` has 78 methods (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.","fingerprint":"3a31032b9aff6d8b119f276d03a3c391","location":{"path":"src/main/java/nc/unc/importparcoursup/dao/admisDAO/","lines":{"begin":14,"end":457}},"other_locations":[