
Timing algorithm: clock() vs time() in C++

戏子无情 提交于 2019-11-29 19:25:23
For timing an algorithm (approximately in ms), which of these two approaches is better: clock_t start = clock(); algorithm(); clock_t end = clock(); double time = (double) (end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000.0; Or, time_t start = time(0); algorithm(); time_t end = time(0); double time = difftime(end, start) * 1000.0; Also, from some discussion in the C++ channel at Freenode, I know clock has a very bad resolution, so the timing will be zero for a (relatively) fast algorithm. But, which has better resolution time() or clock()? Or is it the same? It depends what you want: time measures the real

How to check HZ in the terminal?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-11-29 11:45:15
问题 I have seen this But the script seems not to work. Does anyway know an easy way to check "HZ" in the terminal in Linux? 回答1: There's no uniform answer to this questions, as in some cases your kernel may be compiled "tickless" and not use a regular timer interrupt at all. But if you're on a traditional kernel and a traditional distro, you can find the current kernel's .config file under /boot with something like grep 'CONFIG_HZ=' /boot

How to set Alarm using alarm clock class

假如想象 提交于 2019-11-29 10:02:33
问题 Hi I am trying to set Alarm in my application Using the AlarmClock class. I am using the code as follows: Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(AlarmClock.ACTION_SET_ALARM); startActivity(intent); But I am getting an exception. Can anyone please tell how to use this new Android feature? 回答1: You'll also need to add <uses-permission android:name=""/> to your manifest. 回答2: Ollie is right, the code should look something like the following: Intent i

Detect with javascript if user's machine is using 12 hour clock (am/pm) or 24 clock (military time)

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-11-29 09:32:06
Is it possible to detect if user's machine is using 12 hour clock (am/pm) or 24 hour clock (military time)? One way would be to check users locales, but then it is just massive list of locale comparison and someone from U.S who wants 12 hour clock can send me just en locale, not US_en and I have no way of knowing her preferences. At the same time someone from U.S might be set her machine to use 12 hour time format and doesn't want 12 hour clock. EDIT: date.toLocaleTimeString(); Would work it theory, as user Mouser suggested below, but unfortunately it's bugged on WebKit browsers (tested on

Android timer that works when device is sleeping

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-11-29 08:36:02
问题 I'm writing a sports app that needs to track the elapsed time of quarter/half/period. Elapsed time needs to be accurate to the second. The game clock needs to continue to run even if the user explicitly places the device in sleep mode by pressing the power button. My first attempt at this involved using Handler.postDelayed() to trigger the clock ticks every 200ms and WindowManager.LayoutParms.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON to ensure that the "clock" wasn't stopped by a screen timeout. But I soon learned

Linux Clock Architecture

a 夏天 提交于 2019-11-29 07:39:02
In Linux how is the Clock Architecture implemented. There is a file include/linux/clkdev.h struct clk_lookup { struct list_head node; const char *dev_id; const char *con_id; struct clk *clk; }; What are the various fields and it is extensively used in Clock architecture in arch/arm/Board***/... ? The generic Linux clock infra-structure is documented in clk.txt . For the ARM, Sasha Hauer created the common clock frame-work recently (last two years). The clocks are structured in a parent/child relation. Typical SOC (system on chip) has main clocks created from a crystal which are either scaled

Difference between clock() and MPI_Wtime()

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-11-29 07:21:44
Quick Question . for MPI implementation of my code ,i am getting a huge difference in both. I know MPI_Wtime is the real time elapsed by each processor and clock() gives a rough idea of the expected time . Do anyone wants to add some assertion ? The clock function is utterly useless. It measures cpu time, not real time/wall time, and moreover it has the following serious issues: On most implementations, the resolution is extremely bad, for example, 1/100 of a second. CLOCKS_PER_SECOND is not the resolution, just the scale. With typical values of CLOCKS_PER_SECOND (Unix standards require it to

Dynamic Clock in java

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-11-29 04:18:00
I want to implement a clock within my program to diusplay the date and time while the program is running. I have looked into the getCurrentTime() method and Timer s but none of them seem to do what I would like. The problem is I can get the current time when the program loads but it never updates. Any suggestions on something to look into would be greatly appreciated! jjnguy What you need to do is use Swing's Timer class. Just have it run every second and update the clock with the current time. Timer t = new Timer(1000, updateClockAction); t.start(); This will cause the updateClockAction to

Adding “0” if clock have one digit

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-29 03:27:34
i have some clock script. Everything is fine and it's work perfectly but... i have one problem. If at the clock is set one digit hour or minute like 1:5 clock not adding "0" digit before. This what i'v done but it does't work. Can u help me, much thx? window.setInterval(function update_clock() { var currentTime = new Date(); var currentHours = currentTime.getHours(); var currentMinutes = currentTime.getMinutes(); $.ajax({ success: function (clock) { document.getElementById("hour").firstChild.nodeValue = currentHours; document.getElementById("minutes").firstChild.nodeValue = currentMinutes; if

Can I prevent an iOS user from changing the date and time?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-11-29 02:49:06
问题 I want to deploy managed iOS devices to employees of the company, and the app they will use will timestamp data that will be recorded locally, then forwarded. I need those timestamps to be correct, so I must prevent the user from adjusting the time on the device, recording a value, then resetting the date and time. Date and time will be configured to come from the network automatically, but the device may not have network connectivity at all times (otherwise I would just read network time