
Convert Cimg to ITK

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-03 18:15:52
问题 I'm trying to convert a Cimg image to itk image to use it for registration algorithm. The Cimg is a RGB image and i want to convert it to RGB itk image. Her is my code : void Cimg_To_ITK (CImg<uchar> img) { const unsigned int Dimension = 2; typedef itk::RGBPixel< unsigned char > RGBPixelType; typedef itk::Image< RGBPixelType, Dimension > RGBImageType; typedef itk::ImportImageFilter< RGBPixelType, Dimension > ImportFilterType; ImportFilterType::Pointer importFilter = ImportFilterType::New();

X11 Problems when using CImg header in XCode on Mac OSX 10.11.6

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-02 12:31:25
问题 I added X11 to my header search paths, library search paths, and I linked the binary to the X11 library in the build settings and build phases in XCode however I am still getting the errors shown in the picture below. I am 99.999% Sure the problem is X11 because when I disable the display capabilities the warnings aren't there. Any ideas on what I can do next? 回答1: I think you have your build settings a little incorrect. Here is a very simple program to get you started - you can choose to

X11 Problems when using CImg header in XCode on Mac OSX 10.11.6

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-02 03:56:16
I added X11 to my header search paths, library search paths, and I linked the binary to the X11 library in the build settings and build phases in XCode however I am still getting the errors shown in the picture below. I am 99.999% Sure the problem is X11 because when I disable the display capabilities the warnings aren't there. Any ideas on what I can do next? I think you have your build settings a little incorrect. Here is a very simple program to get you started - you can choose to display PNG, TIFF or JPEG files by using libpng , libtiff or libjpeg which I am assuming you have installed

CImg: Failed to recognize the jpg format

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-01 08:51:00
#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include "CImg.h" using namespace cimg_library; using namespace std; int main(){ CImg<unsigned char> image("lena.jpg"), visu(500,400,1,3,0); const unsigned char red[] = { 255,0,0 }, green[] = { 0,255,0 }, blue[] = { 0,0,255 }; return 0;} When i compile this code the error: CImg::load(): Failed to recognize format of the file "lena.jpg" shows up.Any suggestion? I installed the imageMagick but the error still happens. To enable native JPG file support in CImg, put this before including CImg.h : #define cimg_use_jpeg #include "CImg.h" .... and link your

CImg: Failed to recognize the jpg format

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-01 05:56:27
问题 #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include "CImg.h" using namespace cimg_library; using namespace std; int main(){ CImg<unsigned char> image("lena.jpg"), visu(500,400,1,3,0); const unsigned char red[] = { 255,0,0 }, green[] = { 0,255,0 }, blue[] = { 0,0,255 }; return 0;} When i compile this code the error: CImg::load(): Failed to recognize format of the file "lena.jpg" shows up.Any suggestion? I installed the imageMagick but the error still happens. 回答1: To enable native JPG file

Loading PNGs with CImg

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-01 03:08:02
问题 I am unable to load PNGs with CImg. I've heard you need to get libpng / zlib to get to work first but I am unsure how to set this up. I am on Ubuntu. My source: #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <assert.h> #include <stdarg.h> #define cimg_using_png #include "CImg.h" using namespace cimg_library; #include "png.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { CImg<unsigned char> img2("test.png"); img2.display(); return 0; } 回答1: Close, but you need #define cimg_use_png and add

Create video from array of pixel values in C++

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-01 01:48:40
Does anyone know of a method to save a sequence of pixel values, stored in an array to a video? Currently I'm using Cimg to visualise a simple n-body simulation, whilst I can save each iteration to an image file, this is very slow. Any suggestions on a similar library for handling video would be appreciated. Essentially, I just want to record what's displayed in the Cimg window I create to a video file. The program is written in C++, on linux, compiling with g++. The fact that I can run the simulation and record it running with screen capturing software would seem to imply it's possible, but I

Create video from array of pixel values in C++

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-11-30 20:56:45
问题 Does anyone know of a method to save a sequence of pixel values, stored in an array to a video? Currently I'm using Cimg to visualise a simple n-body simulation, whilst I can save each iteration to an image file, this is very slow. Any suggestions on a similar library for handling video would be appreciated. Essentially, I just want to record what's displayed in the Cimg window I create to a video file. The program is written in C++, on linux, compiling with g++. The fact that I can run the

How do I capture and Process each and every frame of an image using CImg library?

大憨熊 提交于 2019-11-30 19:25:17
问题 I'm working on a project based on real time image processing using CImg Library in Raspberrypi. I need to capture images at higher frame rates (say atleast 30 fps), when I use the inbuilt Raspicam commands such as sudo raspistill -o -img_%d.jpg -tl 5 -t 1000 -a 512 /* -tl : time lapse duration in msec -t : total time duration (1000 msec = 1 sec) -a : displays frame numbers */ with this command though it shows 34 frames per second,I could only capture maximum of 4 frames/images (and rest of

How to get rgb value by cimg?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-27 22:29:59
问题 CImg<unsigned char> src("image.jpg"); int width = src.width(); int height = src.height(); unsigned char* ptr =,10); How can I get rgb from ptr ? 回答1: From the CImg documentation -- section 6.13 on page 34, and section on page 120 -- it looks like the data method can take four arguments : x, y, z, and c: T* data(const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y = 0, const unsigned int z = 0, const unsigned int c = 0) ...where c refers to the color channel. I'm guessing that if