
python chr()、unichr()和ord()

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-24 17:00:36
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> chr()、unichr()和ord() chr()函数用一个范围在range(256)内的(就是0~255)整数作参数,返回一个对应的字符。unichr()跟它一样,只不过返回的是Unicode字符,这个从Python 2.0才加入的unichr()的参数范围依赖于你的Python是如何被编译的。如果是配置为USC2的Unicode,那么它的允许范围就是range(65536)或0x0000-0xFFFF;如果配置为UCS4,那么这个值应该是range(1114112)或0x000000-0x110000。如果提供的参数不在允许的范围内,则会报一个ValueError的异常。 ord()函数是chr()函数(对于8位的ASCII字符串)或unichr()函数(对于Unicode对象)的配对函数,它以一个字符(长度为1的字符串)作为参数,返回对应的ASCII数值,或者Unicode数值,如果所给的Unicode字符超出了你的Python定义范围,则会引发一个TypeError的异常。 >>> chr(65) 'A' >>> ord('a') 97 >>> unichr(12345) u'\u3039' >>> chr(12345) Traceback (most recent call last): File

Hex to ascii conversion error in Excel VBA

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-24 05:52:12
问题 I have found below stated function for conversion of hex to text.It works fin for most of hex to text conversions but give abnormal result. For example, hex value is: 050003d40201414c4552542d42656c6f772038353435206966204e462054726164657320666f722031352d3230206d696e75746573202c77617463682050414e49432050414e4943207570746f20353439332d2d383437360d0a0d0a53656c6c204549434845522061742032343931302e2e2e73746f706c6f7373732032353 Result i get on using hex2text Function = | Correct Result should have

Hex to ascii conversion error in Excel VBA

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-24 05:51:34
问题 I have found below stated function for conversion of hex to text.It works fin for most of hex to text conversions but give abnormal result. For example, hex value is: 050003d40201414c4552542d42656c6f772038353435206966204e462054726164657320666f722031352d3230206d696e75746573202c77617463682050414e49432050414e4943207570746f20353439332d2d383437360d0a0d0a53656c6c204549434845522061742032343931302e2e2e73746f706c6f7373732032353 Result i get on using hex2text Function = | Correct Result should have

Why Doesn't VBA replace function work with CRLF in Word and Excel

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-24 02:01:25
问题 I could have sworn I have stripped CRLF in the past but not sure why the following isn't working: myString = "ABC" & vbCrLf & "DEF" str1 = Replace(myString, vbLf, "") str2 = Replace(str1, vbCrLf, "") str3 = Replace(str2, vbNewLine, "") MsgBox str3 The code above doesn't work the result is: ABC DEF myString = "ABC" & vbCrLf & "DEF" str1 = Replace(myString, Chr(13), "") str2 = Replace(str1, Chr(10), "") MsgBox str2 The code above does work the result is: ABCDEF Solution: Thanks @ Mat for the

day3 ord,chr,random,string

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-23 08:31:12
day3复习 >>> for i in range(10): ... if i == 3: ... break ... print(i) ... 0 1 2 >>> for i in range(10): ... if i == 3: ... continue ... print(i) ... 0 1 2 4 >>> while True: ... i = int(input("请输入一个数字:")) ... if i%2 == 0: ... print("偶数") ... else: ... print("奇数") ... if i == 100: ... break >>> ord("杜") 26460 >>> chr(26460) '杜' >>> d = "杜崇崇" >>> type(d) <class 'str'> >>> d.encode("gbk") b'\xb6\xc5\xb3\xe7\xb3\xe7' >>> d.encode("utf8") b'\xe6\x9d\x9c\xe5\xb4\x87\xe5\xb4\x87' >>> type(d.encode("gbk")) <class 'bytes'> >>> type(d.encode("gbk").decode("gbk")) <class 'str'> unicode 不能直接写入文件也不能直接在网络传输

去掉文本中的换行符、回车符、制表符 SQL

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-23 02:20:15
SQL Server replace ('field_name','from_str','to_str') 说明: cdb_name 该字符或字符串所在表的名字 field_name 该字符或字符串所在字段的字段名 from_str 需要替换的字符串 to_str 替换成的字符串 --替换回车UPDATE table_nameSET field_name=REPLACE(field_name,CHR(13),'')WHERE INSTR(field_name,CHR(13))>0 --替换换行UPDATE table_nameSET field_name=REPLACE(field_name,CHR(10),'')WHERE INSTR(field_name,CHR(10))>0 table_name:表名field_name:列名 oracle 替换换行符 特殊符号ascii定义 制表符 chr(9) 换行符 chr(10) 回车符 chr(13) update tt_pro set spec = replace(replace(spec,chr(13),''), chr(10),'') where com_id = 'WPJ' ;select * from tt_pro where item_no like '%'||chr(10)||'%' ;select * from tt

asc and chr equivalent in C/C++

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-20 01:58:06
问题 Well the title pretty much sums it up. I want to use something like asc("0") in C++, and want to make the program platform independent so don't want to use 48! Any help appreciated. 回答1: You can simply use single-quotes to make a character constant: char c = 'a'; The character type is a numeric type, so there is no real need for asc and chr equivalents. Here's a small example that prints out the character values of a string: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { char str[] =

Converting Numbers to Excel Letter Column

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-19 03:13:00
问题 I am trying to write data to excel files using So I my function which converts number column into excel letter columns. Public Function ConvertToLetter(ByRef iCol As Integer) As String Dim Reminder_Part As Integer = iCol Mod 26 Dim Integer_Part As Integer = Int(iCol / 26) If Integer_Part = 0 Then ConvertToLetter = Chr(Reminder_Part + 64) ElseIf Integer_Part > 0 And Reminder_Part <> 0 Then ConvertToLetter = Chr(Integer_Part + 64) + Chr(Reminder_Part + 64) ElseIf Integer_Part > 0 And


此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-15 01:44:14
#保留字和标识符 ##保留字 保留字 说 明 and 用于表达式运算,逻辑与操作 as 用于类型转换 assert 断言,用于判断变量或条件表达式的值是否为真 break 中断循环语句的执行 class 用于定义类 continue 继续执行下一次循环 def 用于定义函数或方法 del 删除变量或序列的值 elif 条件语句,与if,else结合使用 else 条件语句,与if, elif结合使用,也可以用与异常和循环语句 except 包含捕获异常后的操作代码块,与try,finally结合使用 exec 用于执行python语句 for 循环语句 finally 应用异常语句,出现异常后,始终执行finally,包含的代码块,与try,except结合使用 from 模块导入,和improt结合使用 globe 定义全局变量 if 条件语句,和else,elif结合使用 import 导入模块,和from结合使用 in 判断变量是否在序列中 is 判断变量是否为其中一个类的实列 lambda 定义匿名变量 not 用于表达式运算,逻辑非操作 or 用于表达式运算,逻辑非操作 pass 空的类,方法,函数的占有符 print 输出语句 raise 异常抛出 return 用于从函数返回计算结果 try 包含可能会出现异常的语句,与except,finally结合使用 while

ORD and CHR a file in Bash

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-13 10:59:47
问题 I build ord and chr functions and they work just fine. But if I take a file that contains \n , for example: hello CHECK THIS HIT YES when I ord everything I don't get any new line values. Why is that? I'm writing in Bash. Here is the code that I am using: function ord { ordr="`printf "%d\n" \'$1`" } TEXT="`cat $1`" for (( i=0; i<${#TEXT}; i++ )) do ord "${TEXT:$i:1}" echo "$ordr" done 回答1: Your ord function is really weird. Maybe it would be better to write it as: function ord { printf -v