
R: Can I analyze non-varying-across-individual alternative-specific attribute variables with mlogit?

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-01-29 10:39:44
问题 I'm new to discrete choice modeling, so my apologies if I am misunderstanding a fundamental aspect of the analysis. I would like to run a discrete choice analysis with an individual-specific variable and what I think are alternative-specific attribute variables. From the mlogit vignette I think the individual-specific variable is a "choice situation specific covariate" (in the new vignette) and the alternative-specific attribute variables are "alternative specific covariates with generic

Batch file choice command more than 10 parameter

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-01-01 13:54:04
问题 I have a batch script which founds which drive is carrying my folder (diskpart situation) and founding folder, then it lists the text files (for now its text) in that folder. Anyways the problem is while the batch is asking me to choose which one do i want to open, it works until 9. I can't even press 10 because when i press 1 it automatically opens the text file. How can i write 2 digit numbers? Because the folder always will change and the might be 30 choices. Here's my code; @for %%a in (

Batch file choice command more than 10 parameter

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-01-01 13:53:43
问题 I have a batch script which founds which drive is carrying my folder (diskpart situation) and founding folder, then it lists the text files (for now its text) in that folder. Anyways the problem is while the batch is asking me to choose which one do i want to open, it works until 9. I can't even press 10 because when i press 1 it automatically opens the text file. How can i write 2 digit numbers? Because the folder always will change and the might be 30 choices. Here's my code; @for %%a in (

How to get randomly select n elements from a list using in numpy?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-12-08 06:07:57
问题 I have a list of vectors: >>> import numpy as np >>> num_dim, num_data = 10, 5 >>> data = np.random.rand(num_data, num_dim) >>> data array([[ 0.0498063 , 0.18659463, 0.30563225, 0.99681495, 0.35692358, 0.47759707, 0.85755606, 0.39373145, 0.54677259, 0.5168117 ], [ 0.18034536, 0.25935541, 0.79718771, 0.28604057, 0.17165293, 0.90277904, 0.94016733, 0.15689765, 0.79758063, 0.41250143], [ 0.80716045, 0.84998745, 0.17893211, 0.36206016, 0.69604008, 0.27249491, 0.92570247, 0.446499 , 0.34424945, 0

How to get randomly select n elements from a list using in numpy?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-12-08 06:07:21
问题 I have a list of vectors: >>> import numpy as np >>> num_dim, num_data = 10, 5 >>> data = np.random.rand(num_data, num_dim) >>> data array([[ 0.0498063 , 0.18659463, 0.30563225, 0.99681495, 0.35692358, 0.47759707, 0.85755606, 0.39373145, 0.54677259, 0.5168117 ], [ 0.18034536, 0.25935541, 0.79718771, 0.28604057, 0.17165293, 0.90277904, 0.94016733, 0.15689765, 0.79758063, 0.41250143], [ 0.80716045, 0.84998745, 0.17893211, 0.36206016, 0.69604008, 0.27249491, 0.92570247, 0.446499 , 0.34424945, 0

How to get randomly select n elements from a list using in numpy?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-12-08 06:06:40
问题 I have a list of vectors: >>> import numpy as np >>> num_dim, num_data = 10, 5 >>> data = np.random.rand(num_data, num_dim) >>> data array([[ 0.0498063 , 0.18659463, 0.30563225, 0.99681495, 0.35692358, 0.47759707, 0.85755606, 0.39373145, 0.54677259, 0.5168117 ], [ 0.18034536, 0.25935541, 0.79718771, 0.28604057, 0.17165293, 0.90277904, 0.94016733, 0.15689765, 0.79758063, 0.41250143], [ 0.80716045, 0.84998745, 0.17893211, 0.36206016, 0.69604008, 0.27249491, 0.92570247, 0.446499 , 0.34424945, 0

How do I implement IF in mulesoft

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-07-21 11:19:23
问题 I want to make a decision in a Mulesoft flow, and have looked at the Choice Flow Control. My problem, is that I want to do something if the condition is true, and nothing if it is false, something like: if (condition == true) do some work or, in probably incorrect xml: <choice doc:name="call a subflow if the test is true"> <when expression="#[flowVars.someVariable == True]"> <flow-ref name="doSomething" doc:name="do another thing"/> </when> </choice> no else clause, and no default flow. How

How do I implement IF in mulesoft

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-07-21 11:18:13
问题 I want to make a decision in a Mulesoft flow, and have looked at the Choice Flow Control. My problem, is that I want to do something if the condition is true, and nothing if it is false, something like: if (condition == true) do some work or, in probably incorrect xml: <choice doc:name="call a subflow if the test is true"> <when expression="#[flowVars.someVariable == True]"> <flow-ref name="doSomething" doc:name="do another thing"/> </when> </choice> no else clause, and no default flow. How

Attribute error when generating random numbers in Python

谁都会走 提交于 2020-04-30 05:56:45
问题 I asked a similar question regarding this same piece of code earlier but once again I have found myself stuck. Particularly on the generation of a license plate containing two letters, two numbers, and then two letters. I hope that this question isn't a duplicate but in this circumstance I am very stuck with what to do, this is the code so far and I hope you can identify where I am going wrong: from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta import time, string from random import uniform


时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-03-13 09:35:05
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; double calcualateCircle(double r = 0) { return acos(-1) * r * r; } double calcualateRectangle(double len = 0, double high = 0) { return len * high; } double calcualateSquare(double len = 0) { return len * len; } int main() { cout << "请输入用户选择图形的类型" << endl; cout << "1.圆形 2.长方形 3.正方形" << endl; int choice; cin >> choice; switch (choice){ case 1: printf("请输入圆形的半径:"); double r; cin >> r; cout << calcualateCircle(r) << endl; case 2: printf("请输入长方形的宽和高:"); double len, high; cin >> len >> high; cout << calcualateRectangle(len, high) << endl;