
Flink Checkpoint Failure - Checkpoints time out after 10 mins

不问归期 提交于 2021-02-19 04:25:07
问题 We got one or two CheckPoint Failure during processing data every day. The data volume is low, like under 10k, and our interval setting is '2 minutes'. (The reason for processing very slow is we need to sink the data to another API endpoint which take some time to process at the end of flink job, so the time is Streaming data + Sink to external API endpoint). The root issue is: Checkpoints time out after 10 mins, this caused by the data processing time longer than 10 mins, so the checkpoint

Checkpointing records with Amazon KCL throws ProvisionedThroughputExceededException

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-01-27 20:23:44
问题 We are experiencing a ProvisionedThroughputExceededException upon checkpointing many events together. The exception stacktrace is the following: Rate exceeded for shard shardId-000000000000 in stream mystream under account accountid. (Service: AmazonKinesis; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ProvisionedThroughputExceededException; Request ID: ea36760b-9db3-0acc-bbe9-87939e3270aa) at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient

Checkpoint VPN issue: Connectivity with VPN service is lost [closed]

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-01-26 19:39:55
问题 Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 2 years ago . Improve this question I installed checkpoint E75.30 Client for windows 8 SecuRemote. When I try to do anything with the SecuRemote (see client; add client; see options) all I get is "Connectivity with VPN service is lost" I looked at the services and Check Point Endpoint Security VPN

Checkpoint VPN issue: Connectivity with VPN service is lost [closed]

为君一笑 提交于 2021-01-26 19:38:08
问题 Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 2 years ago . Improve this question I installed checkpoint E75.30 Client for windows 8 SecuRemote. When I try to do anything with the SecuRemote (see client; add client; see options) all I get is "Connectivity with VPN service is lost" I looked at the services and Check Point Endpoint Security VPN

How to store checkpoint into remote RocksDB in Apache Flink

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-06-17 09:07:07
问题 I know that there are three kinds of state backends in Apache Flink: MemoryStateBackend, FsStateBackend and RocksDBStateBackend. MemoryStateBackend stores the checkpoints into local RAM, FsStateBackend stores the checkpoints into local FileSystem, and RocksDBStateBackend stores the checkpoints into RocksDB. I have some questions about the RocksDBStateBackend. As my understanding, the mechanism of RocksDBStateBackend has been embedded into Apache Flink. The rocksDB is a kind of key-value DB.


让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-04-06 05:07:40
flink业务使用记录 部署好flink集群,我的模式是flink on yarn 新建flink处理逻辑代码模块 将该模块打成可执行的jar放到整个项目中 在flink客户端执行提交作业操作 在flink管理页面上查看业务详情。 Flink窗口函数(Window Functions) 定义完窗口分配器后,我们还需要为每一个窗口指定我们需要执行的计算,这是窗口的责任,当系统决定一个窗口已经准备好执行之后,这个窗口函数将被用来处理窗口中的每一个元素(可能是分组的)。 请参考: 来了解当一个窗口准备好之后,Flink是如何决定的。   window函数可以是 ReduceFunction , FoldFunction 或者 WindowFunction 中的一个。前面两个更高效一些(),因为在每个窗口中增量地对每一个到达的元素执行聚合操作。一个 WindowFunction 可以获取一个窗口中的所有元素的一个迭代以及哪个元素属于哪个窗口的额外元信息。   有 WindowFunction 的窗口化操作会比其他的操作效率要差一些,因为Flink内部在调用函数之前会将窗口中的所有元素都缓存起来。这个可以通过

Flink Kafka Connector 与 Exactly Once 剖析

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-03-30 14:33:50
Flink Kafka Connector 是 Flink 内置的 Kafka 连接器,它包含了从 Kafka Topic 读入数据的 Flink Kafka Consumer 以及向 Kafka Topic 写出数据的 Flink Kafka Producer,除此之外 Flink Kafa Connector 基于 Flink Checkpoint 机制提供了完善的容错能力。本文从 Flink Kafka Connector 的基本使用到 Kafka 在 Flink 中端到端的容错原理展开讨论。 1.Flink Kafka 的使用 在 Flink 中使用 Kafka Connector 时需要依赖 Kafka 的版本,Flink 针对不同的 Kafka 版本提供了对应的 Connector 实现。 1.1 版本依赖 既然 Flink 对不同版本的 Kafka 有不同实现,在使用时需要注意区分,根据使用环境引入正确的依赖关系。 <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.flink</groupId> <artifactId>${flink_kafka_connector_version}</artifactId> <version>${flink_version}</version> </dependency> 在上面的依赖配置中 ${flink