
simpleXML and accented characters in PHP

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-02 04:20:24
问题 I have written an XML file which is using the ISO-8859-15 encoding and most of the data within the feed is ran through htmlspecialchars(). I am then using simplyxml_load_string() to retrieve the contents of the XML file to use in my script. However, if I have any special characters (ie: é á ó) it comes out as "é á ó". The How can I get my script to display the proper special accented characters? 回答1: You’re probably using a different character encoding for you output than the XML data is

How to validate text isn't blank in Rails

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-29 01:06:29
if I do validates :body, :presence => true, :length => {:maximum => 30000, :message => ' is a bit long...'} validates :body, :length => {:minimum => 10, :message => ' is a bit short...'} I still have a possibility of having a text which includes only spaces and /r or /n - non visible chars, which while the text isn't blank by definition, it is blank by looking at it How can I validate that the text had a min and max length listed above and is also visible (not 10 spaces) Rails adds the handy method blank? which checks for false, nil and empty strings as described here . Rails also adds the

How to validate text isn't blank in Rails

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-11-27 15:37:28
问题 if I do validates :body, :presence => true, :length => {:maximum => 30000, :message => ' is a bit long...'} validates :body, :length => {:minimum => 10, :message => ' is a bit short...'} I still have a possibility of having a text which includes only spaces and /r or /n - non visible chars, which while the text isn't blank by definition, it is blank by looking at it How can I validate that the text had a min and max length listed above and is also visible (not 10 spaces) 回答1: Rails adds the