
cgdb UTF-8乱码

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-12-29 10:34:54
support utf-8 cgdb github上的issues里面有人提到了这个问题,维护者回复的是需要使用 libncursesw 这个支持宽字符的库来解决这个问题。 查看是否安装了该库 ldconfig -p | grep libncursesw ,未安装则查看有哪些库: thomas@ubuntu:~$ apt search libncursesw Sorting... Done Full Text Search... Done `libncursesw5`/bionic-updates,now 6.1-1ubuntu1.18.04 amd64 shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support) `libncursesw5-dbg`/bionic-updates 6.1-1ubuntu1.18.04 amd64 debugging/profiling libraries for ncursesw `libncursesw5-dev`/bionic-updates,now 6.1-1ubuntu1.18.04 amd64 developer's libraries for ncursesw 分别有三个,我当时选择的是第一个 libncursesw5 ,进行了安装


≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-04-25 08:41:55
TNS是Oracle Net的一部分,专门用来管理和配置Oracle数据库和客户端连接的一个工具,在大多数情况下客户端和数据库要通讯,必须配置TNS TNS简要介绍与应用 Oracle中TNS的完整定义:transparence Network Substrate透明网络底层,监听服务是它重要的一部分,不是全部,不要把TNS当作只是监听器。 TNS是Oracle Net的一部分,专门用来管理和配置Oracle数据库和客户端连接的一个工具,在大多数情况下客户端和数据库要通讯,必须配置TNS,当然在少数情况下,不用配置TNS也可以连接Oracle数据库,比如通过JDBC。如果通过TNS连接Oracle,那么客户端必须安装Oracle client程序。 Oracle当中,如果想访问某个服务器,必须要设置TNS,它不像SQL SERVER那样在客户端自动列举出在局域网内所有的在线服务器,只需在客户端选择需要的服务器,然后使用帐号与密码登录即可。而Oracle不能自动列举出网内的服务器,需要通过读取TNS配置文件才能列出经过配置的服务器名。 配置文件名一般为:tnsnames.ora,默认路径:%ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\tnsnames.ora 上图中的CGDB和STDCG就是对应的TNS,HOST是指向数据库服务器的IP,当然局域网内用计算机名称也是可以的

python exception <type 'exceptions.ImportError'> No module named gdb:

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-18 07:44:49
问题 I've just compiled gdb 7.8 from source in my home directory on a server machine running linux. I had previously been using gdb 7.6 , and aside from stability issues with gdb itself (the reason for the upgrade) everything worked fine. Since the upgrade of gdb , when I run cgdb 0.6.7 I immediately get the following message: Python Exception <type 'exceptions.ImportError'> No module named gdb: warning: Could not load the Python gdb module from `/home/username/bin/gdb//python'. Limited Python

python exception <type 'exceptions.ImportError'> No module named gdb:

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-11-29 13:51:28
I've just compiled gdb 7.8 from source in my home directory on a server machine running linux. I had previously been using gdb 7.6 , and aside from stability issues with gdb itself (the reason for the upgrade) everything worked fine. Since the upgrade of gdb , when I run cgdb 0.6.7 I immediately get the following message: Python Exception <type 'exceptions.ImportError'> No module named gdb: warning: Could not load the Python gdb module from `/home/username/bin/gdb//python'. Limited Python support is available from the _gdb module. Suggest passing --data-directory=/path/to/gdb/data-directory.