
Modify SCPreferences persistent storage: Invalid Argument

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-25 02:24:46
问题 Currently trying to modify /Library/Preferences/ in order to programmatically remove Bluetooth devices and running into an error. First of all, when SCPreferencesSetValue is called, System Configuration says Error Code=0 "Success!" UserInfo={NSDescription=Success!} However, when I try to SCPreferencesCommitChanges , the framework tells me Error Code=1002 "Invalid argument" UserInfo=

CFPreferences to /Library/Preferences

可紊 提交于 2019-12-04 06:42:22
问题 I have a prefpane used in System Preferences (With the authorization lock). I need to get my preferences to write to /Library/Preferences . However, whenever I try to synchronize the prefs to kCFPreferencesAnyUser and kCFPreferencesCurrentHost it just fails out even if my lock is unlocked. Is there any way to write my preferences to /Library/Preferences without creating a helper application? I would want to avoid that because it's redundant. Note that to modify “Any User” preferences requires