

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-08-14 12:31:35
大数据文摘出品 来源:Arstechnica 近日,英特尔发生了一起重大的数据泄漏事故,超过20GB的专有数据和源代码被放在了网上。 这20GB的泄漏数据不仅量大,而且包含的内容非常重要,文摘菌稍微细数几件: 被泄漏内容包含 英特尔未发布芯片示意图 ;英特尔一直被怀疑的 “后门” 情况也在被泄漏代码中出现;此外,英特尔 为重要客户SpaceX设计的相机驱动程序的文件 也赫然其中。 目前英特尔正在调查这一事件,据安全研究人员称,该泄漏来自今年早些时候的一次数据泄露。 该公司的一位女发言人说,英特尔官员不相信这些数据来自网络入侵,公司仍在努力确定这些材料的最新情况,到目前为止,没有迹象表明这些数据包括任何客户或个人信息。 英特尔的一位高管表示:“我们正在调查这次的泄漏事件。”“该信息似乎来自英特尔资源与设计中心,该中心托管着供我们的客户、合作伙伴和其他已注册访问权限的外部方使用的信息,我们认为,具有访问权限的个人可以下载并共享这些数据。” 泄露的20G包含了哪些内容? 这些泄露数据由瑞士软件工程师Tillie Kottmann发布,他在推特上补充了更多的细节。 Kottmann将这次的数据泄漏称为Exconfidential Lake,Lake是英特尔10纳米芯片平台的内部名称。他们表示,他们从今年早些时候黑入英特尔系统的黑客手中获得了这些数据,这次的黑客攻击在未来会被其他机构模仿。


为君一笑 提交于 2020-08-13 08:59:18
配图来自Canva​ 互联网企业总是会反复经历业务极限场景,非常考验服务器的承压能力。爆点事件造成访问崩溃的事件早已屡见不鲜。 国内互联网圈仅在近几个月内就屡次发生“崩溃”事件。3月份在线课堂和办公很火,钉钉、企业微信等被曝多次崩溃,比如有用户反应上课到一半突然黑屏,钉钉还紧急找阿里云扩容了上万台服务器,以支撑随时可能到来的流量高峰;4月份董明珠在抖音首秀直播时,开局便遇到了技术问题,要么直播卡到没法看,要么直播没有声音,董明珠因此痛批了技术团队;5月份罗志祥的一篇头条文章让微博一度面临奔溃,文章无法加载或是加载卡顿,此前微博已被爆款热搜折磨多次,面对瞬时涌入了巨大流量,服务器几度宕机。 这些极限场景往往有远超于日常规模的数据和流量快速流通,因此对企业的服务器质量和能力是一次极限挑战。 互联网企业的“服务器之痛” 近日股市火爆,有不少券商集中向云服务商发出了扩容的迫切需求,以解决券商APP使用时数据延迟、交易卡顿等明显影响体验的问题。由此可见服务器能力在很大程度上决定了企业的业务能力。 互联网线上业务虽然都由数据组成,且数字化的信息在生产和流通上都已经非常便捷,但软件不能独立存在,它必须依附于硬件设备,因此服务器容量大小、处理能力高低往往决定了企业的运营效率和发展上限。尽管现在云服务在互联网领域的***率已经比较高,但是在面对很多用户瞬时大量涌入、集中下订单


旧时模样 提交于 2020-07-28 01:44:10
就在前几天,阿里云重磅推出第七代高主频云服务器,那么第七代高主频云服务器实例给企业带来哪些体验呢,对比以往的第五代、第六代实例在性能以及稳定性有哪些明显的提升呢? 新一代的高主频云服务器实例搭载最新一代英特尔®至强®可扩展处理器(代号Cedar Island)以及阿里云自研的第三代神龙云服务器架构, 标配ESSD云盘,整机算力是上一代的2.6倍。购买阿里云服务器ECS或其它任何产品,请先领取 阿里云通用代金券礼包 ! 第三代神龙架构让第七代高主频云服务器实例性能和稳定性大幅提升,在网络存储转发能力、延时、性能的稳定性等方面均做到了业界领先。尤其适用半导体仿真设计、工业仿真、 游戏、高性能数据库和渲染等场景。 第七代云服务器性能优势有哪些? 计算能力 基于最新一代CPU 支持3200Mhz内存, 进一步降低内存延迟 整机算力比第六代提升2.6倍 稳定性 单实例:99.975% 单地域多可用区部署: 99.995% 轻量虚拟化技术, 进一步降低计算性能抖动 硬件级别QOS能力, 多级调度, 业务更加稳定 网络能力 IO能力提升近3倍, 最高支持2400W PPS 带宽提升1倍以上, 小规格支持10Gbps突发带宽 平均低载延时最多下降20%以上 支持大帧传输, 传输效率提升近5倍 Trunking模式下网卡密度最多提升6倍,容器部署密度大幅提升 存储能力 转发性能提升2倍, 达60万

Heroku domain registration configured to bamboo on a cedar stack

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-01-13 04:59:46
问题 I have a DNS config issue with Heroku while running on the Cedar Stack. It keeps thinking I'm routing my Cedar stack to Bamboo when my custom domains have the correct pointing CNAME records and are properly configured to Heroku instruction. Here's what happened: I recently created a heroku app in the past week with a cedar stack. Region: United States Stack: Cedar Framework: Ruby/Rails And I used NameCheap to register my domain and pointed it to the CNAME record. Host Name | IP Address/URL |

How to install python module on Heroku cedar stack with Rails

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-01-07 03:54:33
问题 We have a rails app running on the Heroku Cedar stack, and we have a need for an external python module, namely 'pyPdf'. Unfortunately it is not one of the pre-installed python modules. Is there a way to install python modules on the Cedar stack? I've tried to add a requirements.txt at the root of my app, but this doesn't seem to work. Probably because Heroku dismisses it after seeing our Gemfile. Any help appreciated. 回答1: Is this module something that you're trying to access from your Rails

Error in SendGrid on Heroku cedar stack

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-01-06 03:30:09
问题 when I try to send an email via sendgrid on heroku cedar stack, I got an following error : ArgumentError (SMTP-AUTH requested but missing user name): my settings in /environments/staging.rb are : config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'myapp' } ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => "smtp.sendgrid.net", :port => "587", :authentication => :plain, :user_name => ENV['SENDGRID

Heroku error message no Cedar-supported app detected

梦想与她 提交于 2020-01-01 10:13:28
问题 So, I am running into more problems with heroku and this rails tutorial. The rails tutorial I am making had me develop a super basic app. They then had me create a bit bucket account. After this they had me create a Heroku account. Now they are asking me to push my origin master to my heroku host. When I do this, I am getting this error message and I cannot figure it out. Anyone have any hints as to how I could solve this? Thanks so much in advance! alopex@alopex-TH55-HD:~/work-space$ git

Heroku error message no Cedar-supported app detected

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-01-01 10:12:11
问题 So, I am running into more problems with heroku and this rails tutorial. The rails tutorial I am making had me develop a super basic app. They then had me create a bit bucket account. After this they had me create a Heroku account. Now they are asking me to push my origin master to my heroku host. When I do this, I am getting this error message and I cannot figure it out. Anyone have any hints as to how I could solve this? Thanks so much in advance! alopex@alopex-TH55-HD:~/work-space$ git

Heroku_can't upgrade to Cedar-14

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-31 06:57:21
问题 As requested on Heroku, I am trying to upgrade from Cedar-10 to Cedar-14, but in vain. On my console, When I execute heroku stack:set cedar-14 I get this: `stack:set` is not a heroku command. Even if I've already installed the latest version of heroku toolbelt as proposed there (I am on Windows), I get the same error message Many thanks 回答1: It looks like your current heroku version isn't up to date. Things you can try: heroku update If that doesn't work gem uninstall heroku Reinstall the gem

Play 2.0 Scala Heroku instance isn't seeing every variable in the Procfile

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-25 05:16:24
问题 I'm using Play! 2.0 Scala edition on Heroku. Heroku does not seem to see/use all my configuration variables in the Procfile. For instance, in my application.conf I have the following variables (amongst others): mongodb.default.db = "nyancat" mongodb.default.host = "localhost" mongodb.default.port = 27017 These should be the defaults for local development. However, I want my Heroku instance to use a MongoLabs instance. (Unfortunately, Salat doesn't configure with a URI, so I had to break it