

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-03-10 03:33:24
CDO,Chief Data Officer,在中国还是一个新词。 CDO是个什么样的角色?在企业发展中负担着怎样的使命?又是怎样发挥作用的…… 为了更加深入的了解中国首席数据官的地位、作用、现状以及挑战,推动企业数据人才的培养和发展,进而推动企业的数字化转型, 数字产业创新研究中心、CIO时代学院、锦囊专家、首席数字官与Informatica联合发起《中国首席数据官调查与研究》项目。 数据,在企业发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用,尤其是身处当今大数据时代,数据管理的重要性变得越来越明显,已经成为现代企业管理至关重要的影响因素之一,“企业级全面数据治理”也作为一个全新的管理概念,呈现在企业领导者面前,由此,越来越多的CDO (Chief Data Officer)进入企业高管团队。 中国企业怎样对待数据管理?CDO在中国企业管理中处于何种位置?我们盼望着能够藉由本次“中国首席数据官调查与研究”,刻画最新、最全面的中国CDO群像,描绘中国CDO前景。 本调查面向企业首席数据官、首席数字官、首席信息官、数据管理负责人或拥有同等职责的IT负责人。欢迎您参与本次调查,大概需要花费您15分钟时间来完成问卷。完整填写问卷的CDO,将获得本次调研的完整版研究报告,预计4月发布,同时还为您准备了精美礼品一份。 想了解更多相信信息,请关注Informatica数据管理(微信号


纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-08 00:48:07
#region 发送邮件 // 创建邮件信息 objMailMessage = new MailMessage(); // objMailMessage.From = ""; // 源邮件地址 objMailMessage.From = strStrmail_Addresser; // objMailMessage.To = ""; // 目的邮件地址 objMailMessage.From = strEail_Accepy; objMailMessage.Subject = txt_lilte.Text; objMailMessage.Body = txt_content.Text; // 发送邮件的内容 for ( int i = 0 ; i < listBoxControl1.Items.Count; i ++ ) { listVlues = listBoxControl1.Items[i].ToString(); // 创建一个对象 objMailAttachment = new MailAttachment(listVlues); // 发送邮件的附件 objMailMessage.Attachments.Add(objMailAttachment); // 创建文件对象 System.IO


£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-19 10:28:40
自己写的一个使用cdo发送邮件的类 using System; using System.Web.Mail; using CDO; namespace admin { /**/ /// <summary> /// MailSender2 的摘要说明。 /// </summary> public class MailSender { public string Server { get { return server; } set { if (value != server) server = value; } } private string server = "" ; /**/ /// <summary> /// 用户名 [如果需要身份验证的话] /// </summary> public string UserName { get { return userName; } set { if (value != userName) userName = value; } } private string userName = "" ; /**/ /// <summary> /// 密码 [如果需要身份验证的话] /// </summary> public string Password { get { return password; } set { if (value !=

Handling COM event cancelation in VBScript

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-11 10:39:34
问题 I would like to write a script, that sends an E-Mail via our companys SMTP-Server using CDO. First I tried to write an HTA-application for that purpose, but it became rather fiddly to make it cormfortable enough so that other people may handle it well (because of proper recipient resolving). So now I try to use the regular Outlook-Mail mask to prepare the mail first and then catch the send-item event via VBScript to give it's content to my CDO script. Right now, my code looks like this: Dim


元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-10 02:14:19
#region 发送邮件 // 创建邮件信息 objMailMessage = new MailMessage(); // objMailMessage.From = ""; // 源邮件地址 objMailMessage.From = strStrmail_Addresser; // objMailMessage.To = ""; // 目的邮件地址 objMailMessage.From = strEail_Accepy; objMailMessage.Subject = txt_lilte.Text; objMailMessage.Body = txt_content.Text; // 发送邮件的内容 for ( int i = 0 ; i < listBoxControl1.Items.Count; i ++ ) { listVlues = listBoxControl1.Items[i].ToString(); // 创建一个对象 objMailAttachment = new MailAttachment(listVlues); // 发送邮件的附件 objMailMessage.Attachments.Add(objMailAttachment); // 创建文件对象 System.IO

Send email with workbook from VBA macro on both Windows and Mac

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-02 14:58:25
问题 My following code works correctly on PC but does not work on a Mac. Instead of making two versions of the macro with separate buttons for Windows and Mac users, I would like the script to recognize the current OS and run the appropriate set of commands for that OS. The macro creates an email with a workbook attachment. The attachment is a temporary version of the ActiveWorkbook which is deleted after the email is sent. The method I'm currently using to send an email is Windows CDO. Are there

Send email with workbook from VBA macro on both Windows and Mac

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-02 03:30:44
My following code works correctly on PC but does not work on a Mac. Instead of making two versions of the macro with separate buttons for Windows and Mac users, I would like the script to recognize the current OS and run the appropriate set of commands for that OS. The macro creates an email with a workbook attachment. The attachment is a temporary version of the ActiveWorkbook which is deleted after the email is sent. The method I'm currently using to send an email is Windows CDO. Are there any other considerations I should be aware of when its executing on MAC OSX with Office 2016? Private