
__cdecl forcing prefix with underscore

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-04 07:39:35
My company provides a third party with a DLL which provides them with API functions they can use to connect to our application. The DLL was written in VC9, and the API functions used VC's default calling convention (__cdecl). The third party has built their application around this interface. I have now been tasked with writing an updated version of the DLL. We want the DLL to have exactly the same interface as the old one so they can be used interchangeably. Unfortunately, our development environment is now CodeGear RAD Studio 2007, so I have to write the DLL using that. The best solution

Unable to understand example of cdecl calling convention where caller doesnt need to clean the stack

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-04 04:27:20
问题 I am reading the IDA Pro Book. On page 86 while discussing calling conventions, the author shows an example of cdecl calling convention that eliminates the need for the caller to clean arguments off the stack. I am reproducing the code snippet below: ; demo_cdecl(1, 2, 3, 4); //programmer calls demo_cdecl mov [esp+12], 4 ; move parameter z to fourth position on stack mov [esp+8], 3 ; move parameter y to third position on stack mov [esp+4], 2 ; move parameter x to second position on stack mov

Is there a way to call member function without .* or ->* operator

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-03 17:17:39
问题 Below method of calling D::foo function via pointer-to-member function will generate error: must use .* or ->* to call pointer-to-member function in 'f (...)' .. of course that is not how we call pointer-to-member functions. The correct way of calling is (d.*f)(5); OR (p->*f)(5); My question is, 'Is there a way to call member function of a class without the class object on left hand side? I wonder if we could pass class object ( this ) as regular argument? In my mind, at end of the day (at

Is there a way to call member function without .* or ->* operator

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-03 06:19:33
Below method of calling D::foo function via pointer-to-member function will generate error: must use .* or ->* to call pointer-to-member function in 'f (...)' .. of course that is not how we call pointer-to-member functions. The correct way of calling is (d.*f)(5); OR (p->*f)(5); My question is, 'Is there a way to call member function of a class without the class object on left hand side? I wonder if we could pass class object ( this ) as regular argument? In my mind, at end of the day (at assembly/binary level) all member functions of a class are normal functions which should operate on n + 1

Pascal and cdecl keyword in C language [closed]

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-03 00:25:47
问题 Closed . This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago . An interview question arise a strong confusion in my mind i.e Lets see this program #include "stdio.h" int main() { static int a=25; void cdecl conv1(); void pascal conv2(); conv1(a); conv2(a); return 0; } void cdecl conv1(int a,int b) { printf("%d%d", a, b); } void pascal conv2(int a,int b) {

Pascal and cdecl keyword in C language [closed]

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-02 14:01:17
An interview question arise a strong confusion in my mind i.e Lets see this program #include "stdio.h" int main() { static int a=25; void cdecl conv1(); void pascal conv2(); conv1(a); conv2(a); return 0; } void cdecl conv1(int a,int b) { printf("%d%d", a, b); } void pascal conv2(int a,int b) { printf("\n%d%d", a, b); } Output is 25 0 0 25 But why? And how? Can you briefly explain to me because I don't understand this program mentioned in UGC book. Please help me to understand this concept more finely, so that I can better prepare for my interview. Thanks for your precious time. (As already

Unable to understand example of cdecl calling convention where caller doesnt need to clean the stack

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-01 20:56:04
I am reading the IDA Pro Book . On page 86 while discussing calling conventions, the author shows an example of cdecl calling convention that eliminates the need for the caller to clean arguments off the stack. I am reproducing the code snippet below: ; demo_cdecl(1, 2, 3, 4); //programmer calls demo_cdecl mov [esp+12], 4 ; move parameter z to fourth position on stack mov [esp+8], 3 ; move parameter y to third position on stack mov [esp+4], 2 ; move parameter x to second position on stack mov [esp], 1 ; move parameter w to top of stack call demo_cdecl ; call the function The author goes on to

Pass an argument from C to assembly?

北慕城南 提交于 2019-11-29 08:44:43
How can I pass an argument from a C main function to an assembly function? I know that my custom function has to look something like: void function(char *somedata) __attribute__((cdecl)); Now how would I use somedata in an assembly file. My operation system is Linux Ubuntu and my processor is x86. I'm a bit of a noob at this but hopefully this example will get you on your way. I've tested it and it works, the only issue you might have is software not being available. I'm using nasm for assembly. main.c extern void myFunc(char * somedata); void main(){ myFunc("Hello World"); } myFunc.asm

C# get the list of unmanaged C dll exports

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-11-28 11:25:27
I have a C dll with exported functions I can use the command-line tool dumpbin.exe /EXPORTS to extract the list of exported functions, and then use them in my C# code to (successfully) call these functions. Is there a way to get this exported-functions-list directly from .NET, without having to use an external command-line tool? Thanks As far as I know there is no class in the .Net Framework that provides the information you need. However you can use the platform invocation services (PInvoke) of the .Net platform to use the functions of the Win32 dbghelp.dll DLL. This DLL is part of the

C# get the list of unmanaged C dll exports

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-11-27 06:08:11
问题 I have a C dll with exported functions I can use the command-line tool dumpbin.exe /EXPORTS to extract the list of exported functions, and then use them in my C# code to (successfully) call these functions. Is there a way to get this exported-functions-list directly from .NET, without having to use an external command-line tool? Thanks 回答1: As far as I know there is no class in the .Net Framework that provides the information you need. However you can use the platform invocation services