
Add custom user email to CC for specific Woocommerce email notification

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-01 12:14:31
问题 In Woocommerce I try to customize the code from this thread to add a custom email as "CC" email address in customer completed order email notification: /** * Function adds a BCC header to emails that match our array * * @param string $headers The default headers being used * @param string $object The email type/object that is being processed */ function add_cc_to_certain_emails( $headers, $object ) { // email types/objects to add cc to $cc_email = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'order_cc_email',

Undefined reference to 'pow' even though -lm is a compile flag. [C]

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-01 09:14:25
Any reason cc -g -lm -DBLITZ_HOST_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN would produce an error with code using math.h ? Is it possible there's a difference between GCC version 4.0.3 (documented working version) and version 4.6.3 (my current version)? makefile and asm.c @ This is on ubuntu 12.04 My terminal output is a comment in the gist. Instead of cc -g -lm -DBLITZ_HOST_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN foo.c Try: cc -g -DBLITZ_HOST_IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN foo.c -lm When the linker searches a library, it links in modules that contain definitions for previously-undefined symbols. If the linker searches

Why am I getting this error: “data definition has no type or storage class”?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-11-30 13:58:47
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct NODE { char* name; int val; struct NODE* next; }; typedef struct NODE Node; Node *head, *tail; head = (Node*) malloc( sizeof( Node ) ); //line 21 And I compiling like this: cc -g -c -o I'm getting this error message: file.y:21:1 warning: data definition has no type or storage class [enabled by default] Natan Streppel It looks like the line head = (Node*) malloc( sizeof( Node ) ); //line 21 is outside the main() function. You can't do that, because you can't execute code outside functions. The only thing you can do at global

C comparing char to “\\n” warning: comparison between pointer and integer

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-11-29 15:08:15
I have the following part of C code: char c; int n = 0; while ( (c = getchar()) != EOF ){ if (c == "\n"){ n++; } } during compilation, compiler tells me warning: comparison between pointer and integer [enabled by default] The thing is that if to substitute "\n" with '\n' there are no warnings at all. Can anyone explain me the reason? Another strange thing is that I am not using pointers at all. I am aware of the following questions warning: comparison between pointer and integer [enabled by default] in c warning: comparison between pointer and integer in C but in my opinion they are unrelated


╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-11-27 12:12:27
import org.junit.Test; import java.util.HashSet; /** * @author xianyu * @time 2019-08-16-9:40 */ public class HashSetTest { @Test public void test(){ //*************1****************** HashSet set = new HashSet(); Person p1 = new Person("AA",23); Person p2 = new Person("BB",21); set.add(p1); set.add(p2); System.out.println(set); //[Person{name='BB', age=21}, Person{name='AA', age=23}] //*************2****************** = "CC"; set.remove(p1); System.out.println(set); //[Person{name='BB', age=21}, Person{name='CC', age=23}] ///*************3****************** set.add(new Person("CC",23)

Problem usage memory in C

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-11-27 09:23:16
Please help :) OS : Linux Where in " sleep(1000);", at this time "top (display Linux tasks)" wrote me 7.7 %MEM use. valgrind : not found memory leak. I understand, wrote correctly and all malloc result is NULL. But Why in this time "sleep" my program NOT decreased memory ? What missing ? Sorry for my bad english, Thanks ~ # tmp_soft For : Is it free?? no Is it free?? yes For 0 For : Is it free?? no Is it free?? yes For 1 END : Is it free?? yes END ~ #top PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 23060 root 20 0 155m 153m 448 S 0 7.7 0:01.07 tmp_soft Full source : tmp_soft.c

C compiler for mac?

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-11-27 06:32:18
问题 I'm working through a text on linking, and wanted to work along with some examples in said text. To better understand whats going on when I invoke the gcc driver, I was looking into doing all the compilation old-school by hand; preprocessing using cpp compiling with cc1 assembling with as linking using ld Unfortunately, on my Mac I don't seem to be able to reference cc1 directly (no listing of cc1 in man ). What are my options? 回答1: Read some material about GCC internals. First the wikipage


元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-11-27 05:14:40
背景 2013年是网页设计响应式的一年。所谓响应式网页设计,是由Ethan Marcotte在2010年提出的名词,指可以自动识别屏幕宽度、并做出相应调整的网页设计。简单来说就是同一张网页自动适应不同大小的屏幕,根据屏幕宽度,自动调整布局。这是一个多么强大的概念,一套代码兼容所有设备,节省维护成本,提高开发效率。然而,现实并非如此完美,在其强大的背后也有鲜为人知的辛酸苦楚。 众所周知,在响应式设计出现或者说在各种移动设备不断迅速抢占PC市场之前,所有的网页设计几乎不要求兼容移动设备,而在PC端的开发调试已经相当成熟,各种调试工具纷纷脱颖而出,诸如:Firebug、Chrome开发者工具等。这让开发者如鱼得水,在传统网页设计中游刃有余。 而如今的互联网市场已经有很大一部分属于移动设备的领地,网页设计兼容移动设备刻不容缓,而响应式设计的提出让这一目标成为可能,甚至可以说是网页设计兼容移动设备的完美解决方案。但是,光有方案只能是空谈,几乎没有人能够不经过反复调试就能写出完全正确的代码,移动设备上的开发调试给网页设计带来了阻力,让开发者不得不投入更多的成本用以对移动设备兼容的调试。所以良好的移动开发调试工具必须问世,而拥有一款优秀的移动开发调试工具,必然给响应式网页设计锦上添花。 人类的智慧是无穷的,2010年底weinre问世,至今weinre已经发布2.0.0版本