
Implementing Type 2 SCD in Oracle

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-01-28 07:28:29
问题 First I would like to say that I am new to the stackoverflow community and relatively new to SQL itself and so please pardon me If I didn't format my question right or didn't state my requirements clearly. I am trying to implement a type 2 SCD in Oracle. The structure of the source table ( customer_records ) is given below. CREATE TABLE customer_records( day date, snapshot_day number, vendor_id number, customer_id number, rank number ); INSERT INTO customer_records (day,snapshot_day,vendor_id

bulk insert from Java into Oracle

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-28 06:30:05
问题 I need to insert many small rows rapidly into Oracle. (5 fields). With MySQL, I break the inserts into groups of 100, then use one insert statement for every group of 100 inserts. But with Oracle, user feedback is that the mass inserts (anywhere from 1000-30000) are too slow. Is there a similar trick I can use to speed up the programmatic inserts from Java into Oracle? 回答1: You can use Spring's DAO module to batch insert many rows. An example that inserts a collection of Order objects into

How to do conditional processing in a bulk collect loop?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-23 04:02:40
问题 we have Oracle 11G and i'm trying to move data from one table to another using bulk collect . Problem is when I tried to evaluate if one field from origin is empty my package got invalidated. What I have: Declaration: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE MYSCHEMA.MYPKG AS CURSOR CUR_MYDATA IS SELECT o.name, o.last_name, o.id, o.socnum FROM origin o WHERE 1=1 AND o.name like upper ('a%'); TYPE t_name IS TABLE OF origin.name%TYPE; TYPE t_lastname IS TABLE OF origin.last_name%TYPE; TYPE t_id IS TABLE OF

MongoDB Bulkwrite which queries failed at match step?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-12 01:16:12
问题 I am doing bulkwrite operation in MongoDB to update multiple documents at a time. Now Is there any way by which I can know which sequence number of my queries match step failed. Because in returned document I am getting nModified , nMatched which tells how many match failed, but not which query sequence number got failed? 回答1: You can use BulkWriteResult.writeErrors. It is available in both ordered and unordered mode of operation. Specifically, the "op" field will tell you the document that

bulkWriteResult in mongo , nMatched and no of documents updated does not match

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-11 13:13:31
问题 i using the aggregate framework for updating the user stats for all users, which is somewhere around 50k , out of which 30k have atleast single order delivered. Now the query i am using is var orderIds = db.delivery.find({"status": "DELIVERED"}).map(function(d){return d.order;}), counter = 0, bulk = db.user.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); var userstatsCursor = db.orders.aggregate([ { "$match": { "_id": { "$in": orderIds } } }, { "$group": { "_id": "$customer", "orders": { "$sum": 1 },

SDL_RenderCopy with an array of Rectangles

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-06 11:42:01
问题 SDL_RenderCopy only accepts a single input rectangle and a single output rectangle. But if I have a lot of images that I want to be filled, my knowledge of opengl tells me that a bulk operation that draws all images at once can be much faster than one draw call per sprite. SDL_FillRects is already there with a count parameter. But I cant find anything suitable for drawing a lot of sprites. Is there some function in SDL2 that I am still missing, because I doubt that this optimization can be

SDL_RenderCopy with an array of Rectangles

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-04 16:11:08
SDL_RenderCopy only accepts a single input rectangle and a single output rectangle. But if I have a lot of images that I want to be filled, my knowledge of opengl tells me that a bulk operation that draws all images at once can be much faster than one draw call per sprite. SDL_FillRects is already there with a count parameter. But I cant find anything suitable for drawing a lot of sprites. Is there some function in SDL2 that I am still missing, because I doubt that this optimization can be done automatically. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20400544/sdl-rendercopy-with-an-array-of