
build and publish .net Web App programmatically

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-10 20:14:54
问题 I'm building an application that needs to be able to, on a command, publish itself to a specified directory. I'm looking for something like System.BuildSystem.Build(<project file>, 'release'); System.BuildSystem.Publish(<project file>, <destination folder>); Is this possible? 回答1: Take a look at msbuild or nant. Personally, I use msbuild to push releases to our QA environment and create packages to be rolled out to production. Your application could, for example, call batch files that run

Maven release:perform seems to break build-helper:add-source

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-10 19:43:34
问题 I have a fairly simple Flex SWC module that is compiled via the Maven Flexmojos plugin. This module also uses the flexmojos:generate goal during the generate-sources phase to create Actionscript3 equivalents of my Java services & domain classes. The regular sources are housed in src/main/flex and the generated sources are in src/main/flex-generated . The generated sources are NOT checked into Subversion. Like many other flexmojos users I use the build-helper:add-source goal to add this second

Solution/Project name variable in TFS Build 2010

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-10 17:29:05
问题 When creating a new build definition in TFS 2010 we specifiy a project or solution to build (Under the 'Required -> Items to Build' section in the 'Process' section of the definition. Is there any way to get hold of the name of the solution being built in the Workflow scope? I.e. is the there a variable available with this information inside that I can pass into a custom code activity elsewhere within the work flow? 回答1: If you open the build workflow and tunnel down into Compile and Test,

SBT accessing sub directories

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-10 16:47:32
问题 My project file structure looks like this: build.sbt lib project src target test Inside lib folder I have sub folders that contain additional jar files. How can I get SBT to recognize sub-folders or to treat jar files recursively? EDIT: thanks to @Jhonny Everson I am able to get this working. Here is how: added the following line in my build.sbt unmanagedJars in Compile <++= baseDirectory map { base => val baseDirectories = (base / "lib" / "mycustomlib" ) val customJars = (baseDirectories **

How to build a Lotus Domino Database using SVN and Ant, Maven or Gradle

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-10 14:56:23
问题 I'm having a database in Domino Designer, which is under Source-Control. Now i want to automatically build this database on a build-server. Does anybody know, how to create an ant-script or maven or gradle, whatever is working, to get a valid database automatically from the build-server or commandline? Thanks in advance 回答1: This presentation by an IBMer given during a user group meeting in late 2012 mentions (page 30) the future possibility of doing command line builds. You might still need

How to configure lazy or incremental build in general with Ant?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-10 13:35:05
问题 Java compiler provides incremental build, so javac ant task as well. But most other processes don't. Considering build processes, they transform some set of files (source) into another set of files (target). I can distinct two cases here: Transformator cannot take a subset of source files, only the whole set. Here we can only make lazy build - if no files from source was modified - we skip processing. Transformator can take a subset of sources files and produce a partial result - incremental

Can you configure TeamCity “Artifacts” to be checked back into source control?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-10 10:28:05
问题 I would like to have TeamCity Artifacts be checked back into source control. I have used TFS Integrator before. So I am used to its approach where, through config, it can check in the output builds back into source control. Then when people do a get they will receive these artifacts. Or is there a completely different way of achieving this with TeamCity? 回答1: The two ways I can think of are VCS Labeling specify a path in your working directory to label and the location relative to the trunk

Merge two pngs via command line tool in windows?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-10 10:23:36
问题 I'm looking for a tool I can use via command line (windows 7) to merge two equally sized pngs. I'm not having much luck with search so far as most tools I've seen are pretty heavy applications which don't seem to target simple manipulations. I want to overwrite the bits in the opaque base image with the non-transparent pixels in the overlay image. I have photoshop CS4 as well, but haven't had much luck in finding the relevant command line arguments. 回答1: ImageMagick has a command line tool

Hudson build on URL token

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-10 10:12:31
问题 I configured a hudson instance and have created jobs. While creating builds, I was able to see this option "Trigger the build by accessing this URL + SecretTOKEN" option. Now, I am unable to see that for any new jobs I create. Am I missing some setting or a configuration? The only change I made was running the servlet container from Root to a regular user. 回答1: In my Hudson (1.349) when creating a new job, there's an option under Build Triggers called Trigger Builds Remotely (e.g. from

In a Visual Studio pre-build event how do I execute an exe in the context of its own folder instead of the bin folder?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-10 00:58:48
问题 I have a pre-build event defined like this: $(ProjectDir)PreBuild\runthis.exe When the runthis.exe executes, it runs in the context of the bin folder of my project instead of the PreBuild folder where it lives. How can I make the build event execute runthis.exe in the context of the PreBuild folder instead of the bin folder? 回答1: Add cd $(ProjectDir)PreBuild first to switch to that folder. 来源: