

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-04-29 15:52:00
分布的网络,它发展迅速,并且比以往任何时候都更容易使用。   一个正常的网站会有两个基本组成部分:在网站文件存储在 Web 服务器,并访问该网站。去中心化的网站使这两个部分都不受审查限制:它使用IPFS(分布式文件存储网络)进行存储,并使用以太坊名称服务(ENS:基于去中心化的以太坊为中心的命名系统)来访问它。   有很多这样的网站,大家可以在分散的Web目录和搜索引擎Almonit中轻松找到,并添加新的网站(查看其Twitter feed以保持更新)。 您可以通过下面这种方式访问分散式网络。 支持本地浏览器 至少有 5 个浏览器具有对 ENS + IPFS 网站的本机支持。这意味着您只需在 URL 栏中键入“ almonit.ETH /”,它就可以正常工作而无需特殊扩展名。   这些浏览器是Brave(桌面),Opera (移动),Status(移动),MetaMask Mobile(移动)和 UnSTOppable Browser(桌面)。 MetaMask Mobile 中的本机 ENS + IPFS 支持。 如果您在桌面上使用 Chrome,Firefox,Edge 或 Tor 浏览器,则可以通过 MetaMask 浏览器扩展添加支持。MetaMask 将您的普通浏览器变成能够与 Ethereum dapps 进行交互的 Web3 浏览器。  

December 31st, Week 53rd Tuesday, 2019

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-03-24 10:43:35
3 月,跳不动了?>>> Nothing comes from nothing. 天下没有免费的午餐。 Nothing comes from nothing, and in some cases, even something can't gurantee something. But if we don't invest anything, we would probably harvest anything. I always want to be honoured as excellent programmer, who can earn enough money and respects from my work. But so far, it seems I haven't fulfilled my expectation yet. Why? I think that would be resulted from my pretending efforts. Now that I know the reason, why not try to take some measures to make things correct? And this period would be the best time to do such things, the end of a

How to run Selenium tests on the Brave web browser?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-03 06:56:43
I am trying to run some Selenium tests on the Brave web browser. I am able to start the Brave web browser through Selenium by using the ChromeDriver. However, nothing else works, e.g. I cannot cause Brave to load a certain web page. As Brave is based on Chromium, I would think this is the way to go. Are there more appropriate ways that support Brave to be driven by Selenium? This is de code that I used: ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions().setBinary("/Applications/"); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options); For the record: this is no longer an issue