
Bosun: only first notification being sent

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-05 03:44:11
问题 I am experiencing strange behaviour with my first-time Bosun config. It seems I'm receiving mail only first time the alert is being called. I am surely misunderstanding something.. Here's my .conf file: smtpHost = ${env.BOSUN_MAIL_SERV} smtpUsername = ${env.BOSUN_MAIL_USER} smtpPassword = ${env.BOSUN_MAIL_PASS} emailFrom = ${env.BOSUN_MAIL_FROM} httpListen = :8070 timeAndDate = 31 stateFile = ../bosun.state ledisDir = ../ledis_data checkFrequency = 10s logstashElasticHosts = ${env.BOSUN_ES

scollector - send metadata for a node if bosun restarts

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-12 04:12:12
问题 Alerts defined in bosun failed as the metadata was not populated when bosun restarts. Is there a way to configure scollector to send metadata once the connection to bosun breaks? I always need to restart bosun as I keep modifying the configuration file. 回答1: Bosun stores metadata (and incident info) in redis/ledis. This information is expected to be persisted and not destroyed when Bosun is restarted. There will be a gap in Bosun's ability to receive metadata during this restart though. It