

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-11-30 07:15:38
一、分支结构 1.1异常处理 try: <语句块1> except(<异常类型>): <语句块2> 1.2高级异常处理 try: <语句块1> except: <语句块2> else: <语句块3> finally: <语句块4> 首先执行语句块1的一部分代码;如果不发生异常则“奖励性地”执行语句块3;如果发生了异常,执行语句块2;无论是否发生异常,都要执行语句块4 try: num=eval(input("请输入一个整数")) print(num**2) except NameError: #异常类型不是必需,且名称是预定义的。标注异常类型后,仅响应该异常(异常类型名等同于变量) print("输入不是整数\n") #身体质量指数BMI height,weight=eval(input("请输入身高(米)和体重(公斤)[逗号隔开]")) bmi=weight/pow(height,2) print("BMI数值为:{:.2f}".format(bmi)) who,nat="","" if bmi<18.5: who,nat="偏瘦","偏瘦" elif 18.5<=bmi<=24: who, nat ="正常","正常" elif 24<=bmi<=25: who, nat = "正常", "偏胖" elif 25<=bmi<=28: who, nat = "偏胖", "偏胖"

intrinsic for the mulx instruction

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-11-28 09:35:15
问题 The mulx instruction was introduced with the BMI2 instruction set starting with the Haswell processor. According to Intel's documentation there should be an intrinsic for mulx unsigned __int64 umul128(unsigned __int64 a, unsigned __int64 b, unsigned __int64 * hi); However, I find no such intrinsic from Intel's intrinsic guide online under BMI2 or in general. I do however find the addcarry intrinsics from the ADX instruction set. According to this link the intrinsic is mulx_u64 but I don't

Portable efficient alternative to PDEP without using BMI2?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-11-28 01:59:13
The documentation for the parallel deposit instruction ( PDEP ) in Intel's Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 2 (BMI2) describes the following serial implementation for the instruction (C-like pseudocode): U64 _pdep_u64(U64 val, U64 mask) { U64 res = 0; for (U64 bb = 1; mask; bb += bb) { if (val & bb) res |= mask & -mask; mask &= mask - 1; } return res; } See also Intel's pdep insn ref manual entry . This algorithm is O(n), where n is the number of set bits in mask , which obviously has a worst case of O(k) where k is the total number of bits in mask . Is a more efficient worst case algorithm


元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-11-27 12:07:55
你的体脂究竟是多少?体脂测量的几种方法 图片发自简书App 这是我近期的体测结果,当我看到结果着实大吃一惊。 虽然有靠近一个月没有进行力量训练,但是体测结果的变化远远超出我的认知。 可能有些朋友不太理解这份报告,我先简单的给大家解读一下。 我们先看下第一部分: 身体成分 主要包含了三个部分:体重,脂肪,骨骼肌 这三个可以说是你训练效果最直观的表现了 简单来说,这些数字分为三种类型: C型: C型 体重高,体脂肪远高于骨骼肌,身体成分图表呈现C的状态,一般这样的朋友都缺乏锻炼,身上有着厚厚的脂肪层 I型: I型 体脂肪和骨骼肌相对均衡,图表基本呈现I型,肌肉脂肪平分秋色,这样的人就是我们说的一般人,穿衣不显胖,脱衣有赘肉。 D型: D型 看数据能看出来,数据中间多两头少呈现D状,肌肉含量高于体脂,这类人要不就是肌肉含量高,要不就是体脂低,但肯定,他有一定的训练基础。 扯的有点远了,简单了解了一下体测结果,作为一个经常锻炼,而且坚持了快三年的老铁而言,是对这份体测报告不满意的,毕竟刚开始训练的时候就是D型,现在确不进反退。 于是反思了一下,最后得出的结论,当然是这次测量不准的。 那么很多朋友会问健身房的仪器不准什么准,净扯淡。 当然体脂测量有很多方法,测量必然会存在误差,综合比较和多次测量才能得到更为标准的答案。 那么我们来了解一下几种常见的体脂测量方法


浪尽此生 提交于 2019-11-27 02:57:43
思路方法:难点在于同时输出国内和国际回应的的分类; height,weight = eval(input("请输入身高(米)和体重(公斤)【逗号隔开】:")) bmi = weight / pow(height,2) print("BMI的值为:{:.2f}".format(bmi)) who,nat = "","" if bmi<18.5: who,nat = "偏瘦","偏瘦" elif 18.5<=bmi<24: who,nat = "正常","正常" elif 24<=bmi<25: who,nat = "正常","偏胖" elif 25<=bmi<28: who,nat = "偏胖","偏胖" elif 28<=bmi<30: who,nat = "偏胖","肥胖" else: who,nat = "肥胖","肥胖" print("BMI指标为:国际'{0}',国内'{1}'".format(who,nat)) 来源:

Portable efficient alternative to PDEP without using BMI2?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-11-26 23:37:04
问题 The documentation for the parallel deposit instruction ( PDEP ) in Intel's Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 2 (BMI2) describes the following serial implementation for the instruction (C-like pseudocode): U64 _pdep_u64(U64 val, U64 mask) { U64 res = 0; for (U64 bb = 1; mask; bb += bb) { if (val & bb) res |= mask & -mask; mask &= mask - 1; } return res; } See also Intel's pdep insn ref manual entry. This algorithm is O(n), where n is the number of set bits in mask , which obviously has a worst


孤人 提交于 2019-11-26 14:13:56
Solution: 方法一:"Python语言程序设计"(中国大学MOOC平台)的答案 分析:对比两种指标,将共性(相同的区间)和异性(不同的区间)细分。这样两种指标的判断条件(不等式)会一致,从而所分的每个区间都只用一条判断语句即可处理,同时将处理的结果一次性赋值给两个变量 方法二:本人的答案 1 def gj(bmi): 2 if bmi<18.5: 3 a = "偏瘦" 4 elif 18.5<=bmi<25: 5 a = "正常" 6 elif 25<=bmi<30: 7 a = "偏胖" 8 else: 9 a = "肥胖" 10 return a 11 def gn(bmi): 12 if bmi<18.5: 13 b = "偏瘦" 14 elif 18.5<=bmi<24: 15 b = "正常" 16 elif 24<=bmi<28: 17 b = "偏胖" 18 else: 19 b = "肥胖" 20 return b 21 def main(): 22 height, weight = eval(input()) 23 bmi= round(weight/(height**2),2) 24 c = gj(bmi) 25 d = gn(bmi) 26 print("BMI数值为:{}".format(bmi)) 27 print("BMI指标为:国际'{}'