
JSON-LD: Using data:post.body in Blogger template

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-11 07:11:45
问题 I would like to use the post content in JSON-LD in my Blogger template. I have the following JSON-LD code so far, which is errorfree, at least when I use the tool { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Billy Bathgate" }, "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "thumbnail": "thumbnail", "height": "100px", "url": "<data:post.thumbnailUrl/>", "width": "100px" }, "publisher": { "@type":

posting to blogger with Google-api-java-client

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-11 06:14:22
问题 I am quite a beginner and learn at the moment "how to use apis properly": I imported the .jar files from and added them via "external jar files" to the build path in eclipse. The code snippet from can't work standalone since OAuth2Native and BloggerScopes aren't recognized because one has to authenticate onself first. can someone help me with this, giving advice about how to

blogger+video.js how can i add quality levels like 1080p, 720p, 480p

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-11 05:49:15
问题 I add video.js in my website but how can I add quality levels like 1080p, 720p, 480p Codes I added In the head <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- If you'd like to support IE8 --> <script src=""></script> In the body <script src=""></script> In the post <video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="480"

Blogger Notable Template - Post Pagination Fix or Replacement?

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-11 05:28:18
问题 The Blogger "Notable" template's post pagination link on the bottom of the main page only shows a "More Posts" link. It's missing a "Previous Posts". It's also missing the traditional "Home" link. The "More Posts" link correctly disappears on the last page of posts. I am looking to enable at least a "Previous Posts" link. This appears to be intentional on the part of Google as the code includes this: <div class='blog-pager container' id='blog-pager'> <b:include cond='data:newerPageUrl' name=

Google Custom Search with transparent background

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-11 02:53:38
问题 I am embedding a custom google search into my blogger site using layout -> add a gadget -> html/javascript . However, the search box has a white background. How can I make the background transparent? As you can see in the last screenshot, there is no option for the background color of the search box. Is there any other way to make it transparent? 回答1: Miscommunication! U so-called professional should simply say, "Refer to Google Custom Search & click CSS source file." Search for 'background

How to change this code to list post titles of all the post on Blogger in format YYYY.MM.DD <title> and chronological order?

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-11 01:52:41
问题 I like to show my titles of posts on a specific page. It is more effective to get know what author have written than scroll all pages or navigate using archive widget. I found code (code is below) for generate list that sort post titles alphabetically but I like to show titles in chronological order. There is lot of code example about this but they are outdated. They doesn’t work anymore after some changes in blogger platform. How to change code to get post titles in chronological order and

Editor post counter blogger

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-11 01:16:06
问题 I wonder is it possible to show number of post posted by editor I have other editor with me on blogger so I want to show under every editor the number of post he posted. like this image below 回答1: This could be a solution, you could add a Blog Widget and calculate the post like in this demo. In this solution you need to "hardcode" the Author Names(here for the Demo Author1 and Author2 ). <b:widget id='Blog2' locked='false' title='Blogposts' type='Blog' > <b:includable id='main'> <script> <b

Blogger feed by label or label (category or category)

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-10 19:08:54
问题 I found a lot of examples to get feed by multiple tags (labels, categories), but all of them works like [tag and tag]. I mean that one - But I need feed by formula - [tag or tag]. Example: I have blog with tags: Flowers, Trees, Events, Animals So I want to get posts only about Flowers and Trees. Thank you for help. 回答1: You can use the query syntax as below:|label

Change “read more” button text in Blogger Minimum theme

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-10 18:34:47
问题 I have a problem in my blog with " read more " text. I would like to change this text to my own language. I have this blogspot/blogger theme -> and I can't change the READ MORE text from anywhere to change it. I have looked up it into the Layout part and as well as from the Template (Edit HTML) part, but no - nothing. I have had been searching this "read more" text almost a whole day and I have a hunch, that maybe it could be connected with the code:

Using relative links in Blogger

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-10 18:31:05
问题 i am using blogger when i need to mention a link , in a post of my blog and the link is actually a link of my own blog post , i am mentioning itside < a >tag with if i changed my blog name then the link will be dead , So what i want is , i just want mention the link with out my blog name for example instead of i need to mention it like /12/2013/how_to_do.html so even though if i changed my