
Can scalatags be used together with binding.scala?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-13 11:04:51
问题 Binding.scala's examples contain Scala XML tags as a language to code DOM fragments. Can scalatags be used instead? 回答1: Binding.scala internally generates very sophisticated ScalaTags code. On the other hand, manually written naive ScalaTags code recreates entire DOM whenever the data changes. Milad Khajavi created an example demonstrating the problem of the manually written ScalaTags code: ScalaTags is very

Can scalatags be used together with binding.scala?

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-13 11:03:13
问题 Binding.scala's examples contain Scala XML tags as a language to code DOM fragments. Can scalatags be used instead? 回答1: Binding.scala internally generates very sophisticated ScalaTags code. On the other hand, manually written naive ScalaTags code recreates entire DOM whenever the data changes. Milad Khajavi created an example demonstrating the problem of the manually written ScalaTags code: ScalaTags is very

Why is the Binding.scala router not reevaluated?

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-24 04:43:12
问题 I'm trying to build a generic router for a personal project by Binding.scala. I've defined a PageState trait sealed trait WhistState { def text: String def hash: String def render: Binding[Node] } with a number of subclasses for each route type. I've then trying to create a router, which based on the hash chooses the correct class. object Router { val defaultState: WhistState = DefaultState("Games") val allStates: Vector[WhistState] = Vector(defaultState) val route: Route.Hash[WhistState] =

When I use Binding.scala, I got the error `each instructions must be inside a SDE block`, how can I fix this?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-24 00:18:39
问题 When I use Binding.scala, I want to create some div s according to source data someCollection : val someCollection = Seq("foo", "bar") { item => <div>{item.bind}</div> } However, I got a compiler error each instructions must be inside a SDE block . How can I fix this? 回答1: The code that causes this error is that your bind expression must not be outside of the scope of the @dom macro. This can happen when creating a closure and can be resolved by: Refactoring the code in the

How to suppress intellij IDEA error in editor when using Binding.scala macro annotation?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-14 02:08:24
问题 Despite it compiles and runs in sbt console. Intellij complains that I should have Binding[Node] instead of Elem in editor. @dom def renderDiv: Binding[Div] = <div>...</div> From intellij IDEA's perspective, this method returns a Elem which is a subtype of scala.xml.Node , but when rendering: dom.render(document.getElementById("root"),renderDiv) it requires a org.scalajs.dom.raw.Node . Is there any workaround to this? 回答1: Could put an implicit conversion def in scope: package object xxx {

Toomany DOM updates

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-12 19:20:30
问题 The link [] has few demos of binding.scala I have used DomListner extension in chrome to understand the dom events. I found for each interaction there are hundreds of DOM events fired. For example one click on calculator button results in 114 events. It this a performance issue ? Does binding.scala library need performance improvements ? Does the code written using binding.scala need optimization ? 回答1:

Binding.scala: Strategy to avoid too many dom-tree updates

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-01 11:17:10
问题 In my project scala-adapters I display log entries that are sent over a websocket. As I have no control on how many entries are sent, I am looking for a strategy to avoid that the screen freezes. I created a ScalaFiddle to simulate that: This function with these parameters works perfectly: setInterval(1000) { // note the absence of () => entries.value += (0 to 100).map(_.toString).mkString("") } If the interval gets smaller and the String longer - the screen