
Keras: test, cross validation and accuracy while processing batched data with train_on_batch

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-02-19 05:40:07
问题 Can someone point me to a complete example that does all of the following? Fits batched (and pickled) data in a loop using train_on_batch() Sets aside data from each batch for validation purposes Sets aside test data for accuracy evaluation after all batches have been processed (see last line of my example below). I'm finding lots of 1 - 5 line code snippets on the internet illustrating how to call train_on_batch() or fit_generator() , but so far nothing that clearly illustrates how to

FFmpeg: Batch convert all audio (mp3) in folder to video (mp4) with album artwork

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-02-18 18:58:36
问题 I'm looking to batch convert all audio (mp3) in folder to video (mp4) with album artwork. This for uploading audios to youtube. I have pretty much a working code but I want to automate the whole thing. Here's the code from .bat file I'm using. (source:FFMpeg Batch Image + Multiple Audio to video) echo off for %%a in ("*.mp3") do "C:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg" -loop 1 -i "C:\ffmpeg\bin\input.jpg.jpg" -i "%%a" -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -tune stillimage -crf 18 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a aac -shortest

pymongo bulk write perform very slow

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-11 17:13:29
问题 We have a dataframe of almost 100000 records which i want to upsert in a mongodb collection. My sample code is mentioned below. For keeping it simple in below code, I am generating these data in a for loop and appending lstValues. In actual application, we receive these data from external csv files which we load it into pandas dataframe. We receive almost 98000 records from these external csv files. Also our original mongodb collection already contains almost 1,00,00,00 records and it keeps

pymongo bulk write perform very slow

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-02-11 17:11:28
问题 We have a dataframe of almost 100000 records which i want to upsert in a mongodb collection. My sample code is mentioned below. For keeping it simple in below code, I am generating these data in a for loop and appending lstValues. In actual application, we receive these data from external csv files which we load it into pandas dataframe. We receive almost 98000 records from these external csv files. Also our original mongodb collection already contains almost 1,00,00,00 records and it keeps

pymongo bulk write perform very slow

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-11 17:11:16
问题 We have a dataframe of almost 100000 records which i want to upsert in a mongodb collection. My sample code is mentioned below. For keeping it simple in below code, I am generating these data in a for loop and appending lstValues. In actual application, we receive these data from external csv files which we load it into pandas dataframe. We receive almost 98000 records from these external csv files. Also our original mongodb collection already contains almost 1,00,00,00 records and it keeps

pymongo bulk write perform very slow

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2021-02-11 17:10:46
问题 We have a dataframe of almost 100000 records which i want to upsert in a mongodb collection. My sample code is mentioned below. For keeping it simple in below code, I am generating these data in a for loop and appending lstValues. In actual application, we receive these data from external csv files which we load it into pandas dataframe. We receive almost 98000 records from these external csv files. Also our original mongodb collection already contains almost 1,00,00,00 records and it keeps

awk: preserve row order and remove duplicate strings (mirrors) when generating data

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-10 15:51:50
问题 I have two text files g1.txt alfa beta; Light Dweller - CR, Technical Metal;;;; g2.txt Jack to;; JKr.rui.rar;; Nofj ogk.png;; I use this command to run my awk script awk -f ./ g1.txt g2.txt > "g3.txt" and I obtain this output Light Dweller - CR, Technical Metal;;;;;Jack to;;JKr.rui.rar;

awk: preserve row order and remove duplicate strings (mirrors) when generating data

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-02-10 15:48:31
问题 I have two text files g1.txt alfa beta; Light Dweller - CR, Technical Metal;;;; g2.txt Jack to;; JKr.rui.rar;; Nofj ogk.png;; I use this command to run my awk script awk -f ./ g1.txt g2.txt > "g3.txt" and I obtain this output Light Dweller - CR, Technical Metal;;;;;Jack to;;JKr.rui.rar;

awk: preserve row order and remove duplicate strings (mirrors) when generating data

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-02-10 15:47:07
问题 I have two text files g1.txt alfa beta; Light Dweller - CR, Technical Metal;;;; g2.txt Jack to;; JKr.rui.rar;; Nofj ogk.png;; I use this command to run my awk script awk -f ./ g1.txt g2.txt > "g3.txt" and I obtain this output Light Dweller - CR, Technical Metal;;;;;Jack to;;JKr.rui.rar;

Should we trust the repository when it comes to invariants?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-02-08 21:17:03
问题 In the application I'm building there are a lot of scenarios where I need to select a group of aggregates on which to perform a specific operation. For instance, I may have to mark a bunch of Reminder aggregates as expired if they meet the expiration policy (there is only one). I have a ReminderExpirationPolicy domain service that is always applied before delivering reminders. This policy does something like: reminderRepository.findRemindersToExpire().forEach(function (reminder) { reminder