
Graph bars only appear when lower limit of y axis set to 0 in ggplot

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-10 18:10:42
问题 I am trying to create a bar graph. When I set the limits as (0,7), the bars appear. However, I would like the lower limit to be 1, not 0. When I set the lower limit to 1, the bars do not appear. I get the following error message: Removed 8 rows containing missing values (geom_bar). It doesn't matter how I set the limits. I have used both of the following options: ylim(1, 7) scale_y_continuous(limits = c(1, 7)) Does anyone know how I can fix this? I'd like a graph that looks like this, but

Graph bars only appear when lower limit of y axis set to 0 in ggplot

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-10 17:55:55
问题 I am trying to create a bar graph. When I set the limits as (0,7), the bars appear. However, I would like the lower limit to be 1, not 0. When I set the lower limit to 1, the bars do not appear. I get the following error message: Removed 8 rows containing missing values (geom_bar). It doesn't matter how I set the limits. I have used both of the following options: ylim(1, 7) scale_y_continuous(limits = c(1, 7)) Does anyone know how I can fix this? I'd like a graph that looks like this, but

vAxis Single line label in angular-google-chart

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-10 15:46:30
问题 I am using angular-google-chart to implement google chart in my angular app, when the y axis labels (marked with red color) is too long it in coming up in three lines then showing "..." , i want only one one line to show up instead of 3, how this can be achieved. Any help is most appreciated. 回答1: in the chart's configuration options, you can add more room for the labels using the chartArea option... var options = { chartArea: { left: 600 } }; you can also reduce the font size using the

how to plot a dataframe grouped by two columns in matplotlib and pandas

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-10 06:52:30
问题 I have the following dataframe: total_gross_profit first_day_week var Feb-06 1 45293.09 2 61949.54 Feb-13 1 44634.72 2 34584.15 Feb-20 1 43796.89 2 37308.57 Feb-27 1 44136.21 2 38237.67 Jan-16 1 74695.91 2 75702.02 Jan-23 1 86101.05 2 69518.39 Jan-30 1 65913.56 2 74823.94 Mar-06 1 34256.47 2 31953.00 grouped by first_day_week and var columns i need to make a bar plot where i have first_day_week in x axis and for each entry in first_day_week two bar plot for each value in var in different

how to plot a dataframe grouped by two columns in matplotlib and pandas

感情迁移 提交于 2021-02-10 06:52:12
问题 I have the following dataframe: total_gross_profit first_day_week var Feb-06 1 45293.09 2 61949.54 Feb-13 1 44634.72 2 34584.15 Feb-20 1 43796.89 2 37308.57 Feb-27 1 44136.21 2 38237.67 Jan-16 1 74695.91 2 75702.02 Jan-23 1 86101.05 2 69518.39 Jan-30 1 65913.56 2 74823.94 Mar-06 1 34256.47 2 31953.00 grouped by first_day_week and var columns i need to make a bar plot where i have first_day_week in x axis and for each entry in first_day_week two bar plot for each value in var in different

Errorbars on grouped barplots in ggplot2

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2021-02-10 06:12:56
问题 I need to plot a grouped barplot with different error bars for each bar in each group. I have managed to plot the chart and add the error bars but they are not positioned correctly on the graph (see below) I know I know I need to somehow tell the errorbars which Genotype they need to be attached to, but I'm not quite sure how. I have tried to use this: Grouped barplot in R with error bars but can't work out what's different. Code: ggplot(data=leaf_level) + geom_bar(aes(x=factor(DAS), y=Total

d3 based multiple sub groups of a bar chart

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-10 06:10:24
问题 I am trying to produce a bar graph that has multiple hierarchical / groupings of factors using d3.js . An example from excel of what I am attempting to create, subgrouped by Variety and Irrigation treatment: I have searched for quite some time and have yet to see an example of something like the example graph above. The closet I found is this (as well as this, this, and this). but they all lack the one more level of grouping that I need. Is there a way to create multiple groupings in d3.js ,

Gnuplot Bar chart with error bars

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-10 05:27:06
问题 I have the following data Name Value of the bar Confidence interval A 0.62 [0.59 0.63] B 0.64 [0.54 0.72] C 0.51 [0.46 0.67] D 0.33 [0.25 0.36] I tried to plot it as a bar chart with A,B,C and D labeling each bar and with and error bar. By using plot "my.dat" using 1; with boxes I only get a bar chart. Can someone help me? 回答1: If you also want errorbars, you must add a second plot with the yerrorbars plotting style. The brackets aren't very handy in the data file, so I remove them with a sed

ggsignif package error stat_signif requires the following missing aesthetics: y

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-09 14:28:24
问题 This is an invented example of my data: x <- c("Control", "Case", "Case", "Case", "Control", "Control", "Control", "Case", "Case", "Case") y <- c("Dead", "Dead", "Dead", "Alive", "Alive", "Dead", "Dead", "Dead", "Alive", "Dead") I'm trying to represent this data in the form of a bar plot and then indicate a statistically significant difference in the proportion of alive and dead patients between the two experimental groups (cases and controls). I performed a Pearson's chi square test and the

ggsignif package error stat_signif requires the following missing aesthetics: y

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-02-09 14:27:52
问题 This is an invented example of my data: x <- c("Control", "Case", "Case", "Case", "Control", "Control", "Control", "Case", "Case", "Case") y <- c("Dead", "Dead", "Dead", "Alive", "Alive", "Dead", "Dead", "Dead", "Alive", "Dead") I'm trying to represent this data in the form of a bar plot and then indicate a statistically significant difference in the proportion of alive and dead patients between the two experimental groups (cases and controls). I performed a Pearson's chi square test and the