
Why is EventSourcingHandler (in aggregate object) needed?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-12-07 04:42:26
问题 Fair warning: I have no idea what I'm doing, so even the asking of this question may go awry. I'm wanting to update state on a simple object (the Aggregate) and then provide the UI with a projection of the changed object. Here's my aggregate object (command handler exists, but not shown here). @Aggregate public class Widget { @AggregateIdentifier private String id; private String color; ... @EventSourcingHandler public void on(ChangeColorEvt evt) { color = evt.getColor(); } ... } ...and here

Why is EventSourcingHandler (in aggregate object) needed?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-12-07 04:33:43
问题 Fair warning: I have no idea what I'm doing, so even the asking of this question may go awry. I'm wanting to update state on a simple object (the Aggregate) and then provide the UI with a projection of the changed object. Here's my aggregate object (command handler exists, but not shown here). @Aggregate public class Widget { @AggregateIdentifier private String id; private String color; ... @EventSourcingHandler public void on(ChangeColorEvt evt) { color = evt.getColor(); } ... } ...and here

Why is EventSourcingHandler (in aggregate object) needed?

百般思念 提交于 2020-12-07 04:32:10
问题 Fair warning: I have no idea what I'm doing, so even the asking of this question may go awry. I'm wanting to update state on a simple object (the Aggregate) and then provide the UI with a projection of the changed object. Here's my aggregate object (command handler exists, but not shown here). @Aggregate public class Widget { @AggregateIdentifier private String id; private String color; ... @EventSourcingHandler public void on(ChangeColorEvt evt) { color = evt.getColor(); } ... } ...and here

Is it possible to scale Axon Framework without Axon Server Enterprise

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-12-01 10:15:45
问题 Is it possible to scale Axon Framework without Axon Server Enterprise ? I'm interested in creating a prototype CQRS app with Axon, but the final, deployable system has to be be free from licensing fees. If Axon Framework can't be scaled to half a dozen nodes using free software, then I should probably look elsewhere. If Axon Framework turn out not to be a good choice for the system, what would you recommend? Would building something around Apache Pulsar be a sensible alternative? 回答1: I think

Is it possible to scale Axon Framework without Axon Server Enterprise

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-12-01 10:15:15
问题 Is it possible to scale Axon Framework without Axon Server Enterprise ? I'm interested in creating a prototype CQRS app with Axon, but the final, deployable system has to be be free from licensing fees. If Axon Framework can't be scaled to half a dozen nodes using free software, then I should probably look elsewhere. If Axon Framework turn out not to be a good choice for the system, what would you recommend? Would building something around Apache Pulsar be a sensible alternative? 回答1: I think

Is it possible to scale Axon Framework without Axon Server Enterprise

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-12-01 10:14:08
问题 Is it possible to scale Axon Framework without Axon Server Enterprise ? I'm interested in creating a prototype CQRS app with Axon, but the final, deployable system has to be be free from licensing fees. If Axon Framework can't be scaled to half a dozen nodes using free software, then I should probably look elsewhere. If Axon Framework turn out not to be a good choice for the system, what would you recommend? Would building something around Apache Pulsar be a sensible alternative? 回答1: I think

中兴官宣全球首款屏下摄像手机Axon 20 5G,9月1日发布

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-08-19 12:43:39
  8 月 17 日,中兴手机在官方微博上确认,将于 9 月 1 日召开发布会,推出新款手机 Axon 20 5G。官方称其是“全球首款屏下摄像头手机”,重点是可以量产。这也吸引了很多外国科技媒体和爱好者的关注。   一周前,中兴通讯终端事业部总裁倪飞就开始为这次官宣预热。他发布了一张写有 “我真的是二郎神” 的海报,但二郎神的眼睛却是合上的,同时微博后缀也改为了“中兴 A20 5G 屏下摄像”,几乎是明示了新手机的最大卖点。      图 | 倪飞微博截图   中兴目前尚未给出 Axon 20 的详细参数。但根据倪飞转发的微博来看,中国电信设备进网管理网站已经可以搜到型号为 ZTE A2121 的手机,很可能就是 Axon 20。   认证信息显示,这款手机尺寸为 172.1 x 77.9 x 7.9 毫米,重 198 克,搭载四颗后置摄像头,主摄像素为 6400 万,余下三颗副摄分别是 800 万,200 万和 200 万。最重要的前置摄像头为 3200 万像素,隐藏在 1080 x 2460 像素的 OLED 屏幕下方,屏幕大小约 6.92 寸。   其余硬件配置包括 4120 毫安时电池,RAM & 内存组合有 6GB + 64GB,8GB + 128GB 和 12GB + 256GB 可选,全系采用高通 7 纳米骁龙 765G 芯片,支持 5G 网络和 18 瓦快充。  

Many to many relationship with axon framework

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-04-30 06:37:11
问题 Hi I'm new to axon framework. I've a table with many to many relationship and another table with one to many based on the query result of one to many table I want to update many to many table now how do I create a command model for this in axon framework? 来源: