
sam package is reducing the size of my template

余生颓废 提交于 2021-02-10 14:36:42
问题 I have a SAM template that I am using to building 4 lambda functions integrated with API gateways. AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: An AWS Serverless Specification template describing your function. #To avoide 'stage' being created when deploying the Api gateway. Globals: Api: OpenApiVersion: 3.0.1 Resources: # api gateway model for all user methods ApiGatewayApi: Type: AWS::Serverless::Api Properties: Name: loadeo_user StageName:

SAM Template for AWS Api Gateway Integration with S3 as AWS Service

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-02-07 11:14:06
问题 I am writing SAM templates and I want to create an API Gateway with the path as follows:- http:///userFlights/airlines/static/images/{airlineName}. This should be able to download the file from S3 bucket. The {airlineName} may have value like IndiGo.jpg . I am able to create this manually. Nevertheless, the problem is I am not able to find the appropriate Documentation for SAM templates. I need to automate my API Gateway with SAM. The values are as follows:- Integration type - AWS Service AWS

SAM Template for AWS Api Gateway Integration with S3 as AWS Service

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-02-07 11:12:29
问题 I am writing SAM templates and I want to create an API Gateway with the path as follows:- http:///userFlights/airlines/static/images/{airlineName}. This should be able to download the file from S3 bucket. The {airlineName} may have value like IndiGo.jpg . I am able to create this manually. Nevertheless, the problem is I am not able to find the appropriate Documentation for SAM templates. I need to automate my API Gateway with SAM. The values are as follows:- Integration type - AWS Service AWS

SAM Template for AWS Api Gateway Integration with S3 as AWS Service

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-02-07 11:10:54
问题 I am writing SAM templates and I want to create an API Gateway with the path as follows:- http:///userFlights/airlines/static/images/{airlineName}. This should be able to download the file from S3 bucket. The {airlineName} may have value like IndiGo.jpg . I am able to create this manually. Nevertheless, the problem is I am not able to find the appropriate Documentation for SAM templates. I need to automate my API Gateway with SAM. The values are as follows:- Integration type - AWS Service AWS

Is it possible to configure different API Gateway stages with different lambda versions using AWS SAM

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-01-27 05:32:12
问题 I have a SAM template for my application. Each time I deploy my SAM template with a new API Gateway stage name, it replaces the previously created stage. So, found this article which helps me in releasing different versions pointing to different lambda versions. But, for this, I have to change API Gateway manually after deployment. So, Is there any way that I can do this using AWS SAM ? For

How to avoid AWS SAM rebuild and reupload a gradle function with unchanged code?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2021-01-02 20:30:09
问题 I'm developing an application with micronaut using SAM CLI to deploy it on AWS Lambda. As I was including dependencies and developing new features, the function packages got bigger an bigger (now they are around 250MB). This makes deployment take a while. On top of that every time I edit template.yaml and then run sam build && sam deploy to try a new configuration on S3, RDS, etc... I have to wait for gradle to build the function again (even though it's unchanged since the last deployment)