
aws access s3 from spark using IAM role

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-06-11 11:43:20
问题 I want to access s3 from spark, I don't want to configure any secret and access keys, I want to access with configuring the IAM role, so I followed the steps given in s3-spark But still it is not working from my EC2 instance (which is running standalone spark) it works when I tested [ec2-user@ip-172-31-17-146 bin]$ aws s3 ls s3://testmys3/ 2019-01-16 17:32:38 130 e.json but it did not work when I tried like below scala> val df ="s3a://testmys3/*") I am getting the below error

Is it possible to specify a pattern for an AWS role Trust Relationship

百般思念 提交于 2020-05-27 11:33:43
问题 I want to allow some roles from a different account to assume a role in my account. I don't want to specify the roles one by one, because they're prone to change frequently. I came up with this policy for the Trust Relationship, which should allow any role which name ends with _my_suffix , but it doesn't work (access is denied): { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_NR_A:root" }, "Condition": { "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn":

Is it possible to specify a pattern for an AWS role Trust Relationship

二次信任 提交于 2020-05-27 11:33:32
问题 I want to allow some roles from a different account to assume a role in my account. I don't want to specify the roles one by one, because they're prone to change frequently. I came up with this policy for the Trust Relationship, which should allow any role which name ends with _my_suffix , but it doesn't work (access is denied): { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_NR_A:root" }, "Condition": { "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn":

How to integrate API Gateway with Cognito Federated Identity and Cognito User Pools

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-03-23 12:39:19
问题 In AWS, I have built an API gateway which invokes a Lambda function. Users gain access by logging in to a Cognito User Pool associated with a Cognito Federated Identity Pool and the associated IAM roles contain API invoke permissions. The API Gateway method is a POST request. If I use the User Pool as the authorizer of the API Gateway I am able to successfully trigger the Lambda function via an ajax request in my javascript web app - note though, this grants the same access to every user in

Permissions for creating and attaching EBS Volume to an EC2Resource i AWS Data Pipeline

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-02-25 01:23:57
问题 I need more local disk than available to EC2Resources in an AWS Data Pipline. The simplest solution seems to be to create and attach an EBS volume. I have added EC2:CreateVolume og EC2:AttachVolume policies to both DataPipelineDefaultRole and DataPipelineDefaultResourceRole. I have also tried setting AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for an IAM role with the same permissions in the shell, but alas no luck. Is there some other permission needed, is it not using the roles it says it

Permissions for creating and attaching EBS Volume to an EC2Resource i AWS Data Pipeline

不羁的心 提交于 2020-02-25 01:22:50
问题 I need more local disk than available to EC2Resources in an AWS Data Pipline. The simplest solution seems to be to create and attach an EBS volume. I have added EC2:CreateVolume og EC2:AttachVolume policies to both DataPipelineDefaultRole and DataPipelineDefaultResourceRole. I have also tried setting AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for an IAM role with the same permissions in the shell, but alas no luck. Is there some other permission needed, is it not using the roles it says it

OfficeJs SSO getAccessTokenAsync returns error code 3000,Access denied

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-15 12:22:53
问题 I have followed all steps but I had some changes due to my unique setup. I had unique setup where none of the services were hosted on azure so I used aws azure active directory integration. I used following tutorial to configure AWS Azure Active directory. I followed this tutorial to configure sso for my word addin After following tutorial I got this below error getAccessTokenAsync return result = { status: "failed", error: { code: 7000, message: "You don't have sufficient permissions for

OfficeJs SSO getAccessTokenAsync returns error code 3000,Access denied

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2020-01-15 12:21:28
问题 I have followed all steps but I had some changes due to my unique setup. I had unique setup where none of the services were hosted on azure so I used aws azure active directory integration. I used following tutorial to configure AWS Azure Active directory. I followed this tutorial to configure sso for my word addin After following tutorial I got this below error getAccessTokenAsync return result = { status: "failed", error: { code: 7000, message: "You don't have sufficient permissions for