
Why am I getting strong parameter errors in the Rails Console in rails 5?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-24 21:26:17
问题 I want to call this in my console ( ap is the awesome print gem): ap Purchase.last(10) but I get this error: ActionController::UnfilteredParameters: unable to convert unpermitted parameters to hash It works like this: irb(main):020:0> ap Purchase.last #<Purchase:0x00007f86b792a320> { :id => 28445, :user_id => 10177, :product_id => nil, :product_type => nil, :price => 9.0, :gateway_code => nil, :gateway_msg => nil, :gateway_response => nil, :created_at => Fri, 18 May 2018 22:20:10 UTC +00:00,