Counting average on huge matrix with conditional
问题 The following MATLAB code runs forever on 10^5 square matrix A. However, it runs for a few seconds on 10^3 square matrix. Is there any way to speed it up? function [meanNV]=calcMeanNV_k(A,V,d) %A: input matrix (n x n) %V: eigenvectors of k-th largest eigenvalues (n x 1) %d: degrees of each node (n x 1) %meanNV: mean of neighbors vectors (n x 1) m=size(A,2); meanNV=zeros(113336); for i=1:m sumNode = 0; for j=1:m if A(i,j)==1 sumNode=sumNode+V(j); end end [meanNV(i)]=sumNode/d(i); end 回答1: