
How do I detect iPhone on network?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-07 05:14:52
问题 I am trying to detect if my iPhone is in the same network as my Raspberry Pi. I would like to execute a script when I am at home and my iPhone's presence is registered in my LAN. It seems that when the phone is in standby not even the iphone-sync port (6207/tcp) is found. "/usr/bin/nmap -n -sT -p62078 [my phone's local IP]" shows no host. I wonder what else I could scan for. Obviously the phone is online and ready to accept facetime calls (data via 3G is deactivated). Could I accomplish

How do I detect iPhone on network?

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-02-07 05:11:07
问题 I am trying to detect if my iPhone is in the same network as my Raspberry Pi. I would like to execute a script when I am at home and my iPhone's presence is registered in my LAN. It seems that when the phone is in standby not even the iphone-sync port (6207/tcp) is found. "/usr/bin/nmap -n -sT -p62078 [my phone's local IP]" shows no host. I wonder what else I could scan for. Obviously the phone is online and ready to accept facetime calls (data via 3G is deactivated). Could I accomplish


喜你入骨 提交于 2020-10-12 01:46:57
pgrep是一个 命令 行实用程序,根据给定的条件查找正在运行的程序的进程id。它可以是完整的或部分的进程名、运行该进程的用户或其他属性。 如何使用pgrep 命令 语法: pgrep [options] pattern 当在没有任何选项的情况下调用时,pgrep将显示与给定名称匹配的所有正在运行的程序的pid。例如,要找到SSH服务器的PID,可以运行以下命令: [root@localhost ~]# pgrep ssh 853 1063 1589 如果想要结束ssh进程,可以使用pkill命令 [root@localhost ~]# pkill ssh pgrep在换行中打印每个匹配的进程ID。 -d 选项允许指定不同的分隔符。例如,如果想使用空格作为分隔符,运行下面的命令: [root@localhost ~]# pgrep ssh -l -d ' ‘ 1654 sssd_ssh1664 sshd1666 sshd 使用 -l 选项可以列出PID和进程名称: [root@localhost ~]# pgrep -l ssh 1654 sssd_ssh 1664 sshd 1666 sshd 如果想完全匹配,可以使用: [root@localhost ~]# pgrep '^sshd$' -l 1664 sshd 1666 sshd 使用 -u

【运维安全】【RHSA-2020:1176-低危: avahi 安全更新】

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-08-17 23:47:43
漏洞描述 Avahi through 0.6.32中的Avahi -daemon无意中响应 IPv6 unicast 查询,其源地址不是on-link,这允许远程攻击者导致拒绝服务(流量放大)或通过端口5353 UDP数据包获取潜在的敏感信息。注意:这可能与CVE-2015-2809重叠。 影响说明 软件:avahi-libs 0.6.31-19.el7 命中:avahi-libs version less than 0:0.6.31-20.el7 路径:/usr/lib64/libavahi-client.so.3 修复命令 yum -y upgrade avahi-libs 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/4389636/blog/4311141

[生产事故]:Linux上avahi-daemon Service当网卡流量大,网络请求超时故障

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-08-11 10:29:18
当机器重启后,发现几台主机的主机名一致,avahi-daemon Service服务是开启的,外界流量大的时候,网络请求超时 avahi-daemon是一种Linux操作系统上运行在客户机上实施查找基于网络的Zeroconf service的服务守护进程。 该服务可以为Zeroconf网络实现DNS服务发现及DNS组播规范。 用户程序通过Linux D-Bus信息传递接收发现到网络服务和资源的通知。 该守护进程配合缓存用户程序的答复,以帮助减少因答复而产生的网络流量。 详见以下描述: Description The avahi-daemon Linux service runs on client machines to perform network-based Zeroconf service discovery. Avahi is an implementation of the DNS Service Discovery and Multicast DNS specifications for Zeroconf Networking. Host name confilct 最后执行systemctl stop avahi-daemon.socket systemctl disbable avahi-daemon.socket 来源: oschina 链接: https:/

Problems compiling avahi into Android NDK project

寵の児 提交于 2020-02-12 02:38:09
问题 Over the last few days I've been having a difficult time trying to build avahi into a static or shared library for use with an existing Android NDK project. We have a few games in the App and Play stores and my task is to get multiplayer working in the Android versions. Specifically the task involves replacing the Bonjour component so that these games can connect to each other via zeroconf. Research seemed to indicate that avahi is the lib that we're looking for, but at this point I'm open to

Connect to website on local network without knowing IP

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-23 18:55:40
问题 I'm creating an embedded device (based on an RPi) which will connect to the local network. I would like this device to be able to configure the device via a web page (much the same as many routers). I would like the user to type [http://my-device-config] (or some other fixed address) into the web browser and be sent to the config page without having to know the ip address of the device. The steps the user would take are as follows: User plugs device into network/turns device on. User types

find libavahi with cmake

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-05 21:30:40
问题 I need to add libavahi-client3 to cmake dependency of my project. Also need to check libavahi-client3 and libavahi-common3 existence. Problems only with current library(avahi) Trying to do these things: find_package(libavahi-common3) if(NOT libavahi-common3_FOUND) message(ERROR " libavahi-common3 is not found") endif(NOT libavahi-common3_FOUND) OR this variant: find_library(AVAHI_COMMON_LIBRARY NAMES libavahi-common3) if(NOT AVAHI_COMMON_LIBRARY_FOUND) message(ERROR " libavahi-common3 is not

find libavahi with cmake

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-01-05 21:29:11
问题 I need to add libavahi-client3 to cmake dependency of my project. Also need to check libavahi-client3 and libavahi-common3 existence. Problems only with current library(avahi) Trying to do these things: find_package(libavahi-common3) if(NOT libavahi-common3_FOUND) message(ERROR " libavahi-common3 is not found") endif(NOT libavahi-common3_FOUND) OR this variant: find_library(AVAHI_COMMON_LIBRARY NAMES libavahi-common3) if(NOT AVAHI_COMMON_LIBRARY_FOUND) message(ERROR " libavahi-common3 is not

How to develop an Avahi client/server

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-29 13:17:29
问题 I am trying to develop a client/server solution using python, the server must broadcast the service availability using Avahi. I am using the following code to publish the service: import avahi import dbus __all__ = ["ZeroconfService"] class ZeroconfService: """A simple class to publish a network service with zeroconf using avahi. """ def __init__(self, name, port, stype="_http._tcp", domain="", host="", text=""): self.name = name self.stype = stype self.domain = domain self.host = host self