
Get list of users belonging to a role using Authorization Manager (AzMan)

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-22 19:44:33
问题 Using ASP.NET (C#) I have set up Authorization Manager to allow me to handle roles on a website. Added users to roles is simple Roles.AddUserToRole("DOMAIN\\UserName", "role") . However I want to list the users belonging to a role, but since they are stored as SID's, displaying them would not be that helpful. To get the users, I am thinking XML would have to be used, although is it possible to use COM Interop to both do that and get the user name? Either way, how can I get the users belonging

Get list of users belonging to a role using Authorization Manager (AzMan)

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-22 19:44:10
问题 Using ASP.NET (C#) I have set up Authorization Manager to allow me to handle roles on a website. Added users to roles is simple Roles.AddUserToRole("DOMAIN\\UserName", "role") . However I want to list the users belonging to a role, but since they are stored as SID's, displaying them would not be that helpful. To get the users, I am thinking XML would have to be used, although is it possible to use COM Interop to both do that and get the user name? Either way, how can I get the users belonging