
NVIDIA vs AMD: GPGPU performance

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-02 15:45:24
I'd like to hear from people with experience of coding for both. Myself, I only have experience with NVIDIA. NVIDIA CUDA seems to be a lot more popular than the competition. (Just counting question tags on this forum, 'cuda' outperforms 'opencl' 3:1, and 'nvidia' outperforms 'ati' 15:1, and there's no tag for 'ati-stream' at all). On the other hand, according to Wikipedia, ATI/AMD cards should have a lot more potential, especially per dollar. The fastest NVIDIA card on the market as of today, GeForce 580 ($500), is rated at 1.6 single-precision TFlops. AMD Radeon 6970 can be had for $370 and

glVertexAttribPointer on built-in vertex attributes like gl_Vertex, gl_Normal

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-01 16:51:57
I have to send vertex attributes using glVertexAttribPointer to shaders expecting them as built-in ( gl_Vertex , gl_Color , etc.). The glVertexAttribPointer function needs to specify the index (or location) of each built-in attribute. I can do it on NVidia implementations since the location of each attribute is fixed (see at the section "Custom attributes), however i'm not sure about the locations in ATI implementation. Also, the function glGetAttribLocation will return -1 when trying to get the location of any attribute

glVertexAttribPointer on built-in vertex attributes like gl_Vertex, gl_Normal

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-01 15:47:43
问题 I have to send vertex attributes using glVertexAttribPointer to shaders expecting them as built-in ( gl_Vertex , gl_Color , etc.). The glVertexAttribPointer function needs to specify the index (or location) of each built-in attribute. I can do it on NVidia implementations since the location of each attribute is fixed (see at the section "Custom attributes), however i'm not sure about the locations in ATI implementation.


点点圈 提交于 2019-11-29 00:26:57
一、处理器CPU知识 CPU的分类 1.CPU品牌有两大阵营,分别是Intel(英特尔)和AMD,这两个行业老大几乎垄断了CPU市场,大家拆开电脑看看,无非也是Intel和AMD的品牌(当然不排除极极少山寨的CPU)。而Intel的CPU又分为Pentium(奔腾)、Celeron(赛扬)和Core(酷睿)。其性能由高到低也就是Core>Pentium>Celeron。AMD的CPU分为Semporn(闪龙)和Athlon(速龙),性能当然是Athlon优于Semporn的了。 Intel与AMD标志认识 2.CPU的主频认识 提CPU时,经常听到2.4GHZ、3.0GHZ等的CPU,这些到底代表什么?这些类似于2.4GHZ的东东其实就是CPU的主频,也就是主时钟频率,单位就是MHZ。这时用来衡量一款CPU性能非常关键的指标之一。主频计算还有条公式。主频=外频×倍频系数。 单击“我的电脑”→“属性”就可以查看CPU类型和主频大小 我的电脑-属性查看cpu信息 3.CPU提到的FSB是什么 FSB就是前端总线,简单来说,这个是CPU与外界交换数据的最主要通道。FSB的处理速度快慢也会影响到CPU的性能。4.CPU提及的高速缓存指的又是什么呢?高速缓存指内置在CPU中进行高速数据交换的储存器。分一级缓存(L1Cache)、二级缓存(L2Cache)以及三级缓存(L3Cache)。

ATI 9121-SC27-M ATI 9121-SC27-T ATI 9121-ED25-M ATI 9121-ED25-T

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-27 08:31:58
ATI 9121-SC27-M ATI 9121-SC27-T ATI 9121-ED25-M ATI 9121-ED25-T SCHUNK PZN+200/1 PN:0303515 MAYR 800517 BRINKMANN 3LASE0AA-S00087 HUBNER HOG9DN1250I SerNr:1526177 SOMMER MFS103KHC配安装附件 ForGS65-B WIKA 732.51.160 KNOTH FK-107053-A WIKA S-10 part#8756309 0-1600mbar PAULY Connection cable between transmitter and receiver 4m DI-SORIC DCC 4.0V 0.8 POK-TSL WURTH 6636120 SCHONBUCH ICLD0814(PNP/10-30VDC) GLOBAL WE550 MAHR N570 5009016+N5015001038 PIEPER KMF-853-0-6-02 包括主板:B853 CODE:85-1-04-8 D58239 ACROMAG 336557C336558C WEBER 6131000120 ROEMHELD 1955897 WURTH 628140 RITTAL 1030.5\380mm×300mm×155mm